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    necessary only to convince strangers.
     Yes, but  Alfvaen raised her small hands and grasped air.  I have to learn
    the words as well.
    She fell silent, but her hands remained clenched.
    After a moment, Darragh said,  There s another matter of language, Tocohl.
    Before you accept this job, you should know what happened on Jannisett.
    Keeping a watchful eye on Alfvaen, Tocohl said,  She told me. She was arrested
    and held, until you straightened the matter out.
     She was expertly framed, Nevelen Darragh said,   and the man who framed her
    was a crayden
    Tocohl stiffened in surprise. She said nothing, but Nevelen Darragh s
    expression was all she needed to confirm that she d heard correctly.
     I see, said Tocohl, and she laid her hand on Alfvaen s shoulder, partly to
    comfort, partly to draw
    Alfvaen from her preoccupation.  What are your plans, now that your message is
    Alfvaen stared at her, uncomprehending. Then she blinked as if come into
    sudden sunlight.
     A moment ago, I had none, she said.  MGE dropped my contract after
    Inumaru. I don t blame them much. Even I find it hard to believe that catching
    Cana s disease could be serendipitous.
    She reached across and caught Tocohl s wrist.  Take me with you, she said.
     Teach me the words I
     I was hoping you d say that, said Tocohl.  MGE may have doubts about your
    serendipity, but I
    don t. You know how to deal with members of a survey team, she paused, then
    added,  and you might be safer on Lassti than anywhere else.
     Safer? Alfvaen asked.  I don t have the words to understand that, either.
     You need just one: the Jannisetti word crayden
    . It is an exact translation of the Sheveschkem dastagh
    Page 24
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     waster. As the Jannisetti say themselves,  Once a thing happens twice, you
    must think about it three times.  Tocohl stood.  Geremy, I m sorry to break
    up your evening, but could we get that cargo transferred now? Under the
    circumstances, I d prefer to leave immediately.
    Despite its value, the cargo was small and compact. Even Nevelen Darragh
    pitched in to help, and the transfer of tapes and winterspice went quickly. As
    a courtesy, Tocohl registered her new destination with Sheveschkem traffic
    control, giving the coordinates Alfvaen had received from swift-Kalat.
     I ll bet traffic control loved that! said Geremy.  I take it the
    captain of the survey team is
    Sheveschkem? he asked Alfvaen. The naming of a new world was often the
    captain s privilege.
     Yes, said Alfvaen.  What s so funny?
    Lassti means  Flashfever,  Geremy explained.  It s a local disease as common
    on Sheveschke as a cold characterized by bizarre visual effects.
     It s like being slugged in the side of the head and seeing sparks, Tocohl
    put in.  I know. I had it once.
    Geremy went on,  The very religious call it  the Fist of Veschke and would
    say Tocohl had been punished for her many sins.
    Tocohl waggled a handful of fingers at Geremy insolently, then got on with the
    business of rearranging the interior panels to create a cabin for Alfvaen.
      That must be some planet! Tocohl finished.
    Maggy pinged for attention. (Two passengers for Flashfever,) she said.
    (Passengers?) said Tocohl in surprise. Only rare circumstances would take
    people to a world still under survey. Visiting was inadvisable, not illegal,
    and one stayed only as long as one s transport stayed.
    Transport stayed at the discretion of the survey captain.
    (Let s have a look at them,) Tocohl instructed. (Put them on the screen.)
    Maggy complied. A man and a woman, Sheveschkemen, appeared on the small
    screen. Both wore severely cut green jumpsuits, lacking any adornment. The
    expressions they wore were equally severe.
    The woman spoke in GalLing .  Captain Susumo? We wish to book passage to
    Flashfever for the duration of your stay.
    That should have been icing on the cake. Tocohl s expenses were already
    covered by swift-Kalat.
    Two passengers would double her profit and yet Tocohl did not immediately
    reply. Something about the two disturbed her. Then she suddenly had it: here
    were two Sheveschkemen prepared to leave their planet before the end of
    festival and neither wore a pin of any sort.
    Neither had gone for Veschke s Fire!
    (Not worth the risk,) thought Tocohl and only realized she d subvocalized when
    Maggy said, (What risk?)
    (The Inheritors of God don t participate in  pagan rituals. In fact, I
    imagine they d find Veschke particularly hateful. She burned for her
    refusal to give Sheveschke s coordinates to exploitive second-wave
    colonizers,) Tocohl explained briefly. (I won t risk having Inheritors aboard
    while Alfvaen is with us. She s been attacked twice. The first time on
    Jannisett, when she was framed. The second we interrupted. And one could
    deduce that the attacks were escalating.) She said aloud,  You ll have to find
    other transport. I m taking no passengers this trip. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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