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    longest border but also because the threat to socialism in the counterrevolution by ourselves. In order to prevent a
    Poland constitutes a threat to our joint interests. civil war and to defend socialism, the socialist fraternal
    We in Czechoslovakia underwent a complicated countries were asked for internationalist support. This is
    process of development as well, when the our view of the situation back then. This support prevented
    counterrevolution went on the counteroffensive in our the detachment of the CSSR from the socialist camp. It
    country, when the danger of civil war in the CSSR arose, gave the Party the chance to solve the problems. The
    and when there was a deadly danger to socialism. CSSR economy had been disrupted. The internal market,
    Comrade Kádár has reminded us of the events in Hungary the economy and the entire structure of society had been
    in 1956, and Comrade Honecker has spoken about the shaken and shattered, and the Party had been torn apart.
    events in the GDR. It took great efforts to repair the damage that had been
    The events which took place 12 years ago in done. The CPCz managed to do this after 1969 thanks to
    Czechoslovakia still live in our memories, and in watching the help by the other fraternal countries. I am not
    the events unfold in Poland today, we compare them to reminding you of our experience in order to argue for
    our own experience, even though we, of course, recognize extreme and radical solutions, but I do this in order to
    the differences in time and circumstances. demonstrate that due to the inconsistency of our previous
    But all these events in Hungary, in the GDR, in leadership it was necessary to resort to an extreme solution
    Czechoslovakia and now in Poland are characterized by a in the interest of defending socialism.
    common goal on the part of the anti-socialist, Following the installation of the new leadership, it
    counterrevolutionary forces of the forces which want to became clear that the enemy, which had maintained that it
    roll back socialism in Poland and detach these countries would completely support the people and the Party,
    from the socialist camp. [& ] actually had a petit-bourgeois attitude. We uncovered the
    In our country, dissatisfaction also grew among the counterrevolution and its representatives, precisely with
    people, and we had to eliminate deformations, mistakes the goal of showing the people what they had been after.
    and shortcomings within the Party as well as within We juxtaposed this with the progressive program of our
    society.[& ] Party. As a result, our people have completely supported
    The imperialists quickly realized that an excellent the Marxist-Leninist program of our Party and have
    opportunity had been given in Czechoslovakia to reach defeated the counterrevolution.
    their long-term goal of destabilizing socialism. What took We know, dear comrades, that these problems of
    place there in those summer months in 1968 had long been which I have spoken, were of a different sort. It seems to
    prepared by imperialist circles and various reactionary, me that the PUWP has a better leadership today than we in
    anti-socialist forces. This is also what has happened this the CSSR had back then. But the question of decisiveness
    summer in Poland. and determination to solve the problems energetically
    The enemy has drawn conclusions from the events in remains acute.
    Poland and in the CSSR. He proceeded differently in the With my contribution, dear comrades, I wanted to
    CSSR than in Hungary, and he drew his conclusions from show the creeping manner that the counterrevolution acted
    the events in the CSSR. He now acts differently in Poland in the CSSR and what experience our Party had. The
    than he did in the CSSR. He takes advantage of social development of recent years shows that you need a
    dissatisfaction, of economic shortcomings, and tries to win Marxist-Leninist party to defend socialism adequately and
    over the masses by social demagoguery and to direct them to defeat the opportunist, counterrevolutionary and
    towards anti-socialist actions, towards actions against the revanchist forces. You need firm unity, courage, and
    Party. determination for the solution of the most complicated
    As it was, in the bourgeois propaganda, the CSSR problems and to avoid departing from the right point of
    became the best model of the democratic reform of view. One needs to have a clear, consistent program and
    socialism, that is, socialism with a human face. The CSSR on this basis mobilize the Communists.
    was held up to all other socialist countries as a model. [& ]
    Even the Pope prayed for this process, for the rebirth of
    Czechoslovakia, and for Dub ek as well, and if anything Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev:
    bad was done in the socialist countries, our country was
    pointed out as an example. As Comrade Honecker said, Permit me as well to make a few remarks.  Dear
    the same thing happened in Czechoslovakia. Now they Comrades! [& ]
    would like to export Poland s crisis to the CSSR, the GDR The Polish events worry us in particular. We for the
    and the other countries. We, of course, have introduced all most part have talked about Poland. It pains us to see
    necessary measures against this, and as far as we are fraternal Poland going through a profound, difficult crisis.
    concerned, there is no reason to be concerned. The crisis could have been avoided. It could have been
    [& ] suppressed and turned around in its initial phase, prior to
    The situation [in Czechoslovakia in 1968] culminated the negative turn of events. But this did not happen.
    In the course of the past four years, we have asked and which coordinates the various departments tactics
    questions about the alarming tendencies in the People s and strategy within and outside of Poland. [& ]
    Republic of Poland in our talks with Comrade Gierek. This Particularly acute is the problem of the mass media.
    summer in the Crimea, I emphasized again that a decisive Unfortunately one has to admit that the situation most
    political fight against the anti-socialist elements was recently has not worked out in favor of the PUWP.
    necessary. In response, we were told that nothing of As far as the army is concerned, it would be wrong to
    special concern was happening, that there was no assume that the events have not left any traces there.
    opposition, and that the PPR and the Party were in control Through various channels, among others the Polish
    of the situation.  What had happened? Was it Church, obstinate attempts are being made to neutralize
    carelessness, hubris? Were certain ambitions the cause? and subvert the armed forces.
     I don t know. We are not exaggerating at all concerning the question
    And now the crisis, as we can see, has developed into of responsibility, but instead are basing our views on the
    a difficult question not for Poland and its Communists information from the Polish friends. During the entire [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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