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    heat of his cock pressed to my bottom. Lena s gaze went over my shoulder to look at
    him, a little smile crossing her face. Oh shit. This did not bode well for me. Molten heat
    rushed through my body. God, I knew how creative Jerrod could be, I couldn t imagine
    what he would do with help.
    He leaned me forward, his big palms cupping my ass. His hands gathered my skirt up
    until it was around my waist, and then he slid his fingers in until they spread my cheeks
    wide. I shuddered, pressing back into his touch. He dipped in further to swirl around my
    anus, and further still to push inside my ass. He withdrew to move to my pussy where he
    gathered my wetness and trailed it back to my anus. Again and again until his fingers slid
    easily in and out of my ass. My muscles shook with need. I wanted more. Anything and
    everything he could give me.  Please.
     I m going to please you. Don t I always? He stretched me wide, sliding two and
    then three fingers into me.
     Yes. I shuddered at the impact as he thrust in and out, each push faster and harder
    than the last. Desperation clawed at me, fierce and insatiable.  More. Please, more. He
    pulled his hand away, and I moaned aloud. I arched my back to try and keep his thrusting
    digits inside me.  No. I need more. Please.
    The head of his thick cock nudged against my ass, pushing steadily in until he was
    seated to the hilt within me. The stretch bordered on pain, but I didn t care, I needed to
    quench the fire that burned through my veins. It consumed me, made me rock my hips
    towards him even as I sobbed for breath. He grasped my hips, holding me still, and I
    choked on the need to move. The muscles in my body tensed as I tried to wriggle in his
    grasp. Lena cupped my breasts in her palms, moving her hands down my body as she
    knelt before me. Oh God. Want exploded hot wild inside me.
     Let s make it interesting. You need to try new things and change a bit& to learn
    balance, right, Rach? One of her fingers slipped between my legs, dipping inside my
    pussy. One finger, two, then the hard ball of her fist. I whimpered at the stretched
    sensation. I hadn t been fisted since my last female lover years before I d mated to
    www.samhainpublishing.com 41
    Crystal Jordan
    Jerrod and I d almost forgotten how much I d always liked it. How I reveled in the feel
    of each knuckle caressing my inner flesh, how it made me whimper, but I was so wet it
    made the slide possible. How it was almost too painful to bear, but the ecstasy was so
    worth it. That it was Lena s hand inside me, my mate, made it so much better than it ever
    had been before. Jerrod nudged in deep so that they were both inside me at once. I was so
    full, so taken by them. Reality slid away into nothing but the feeling my mates pulled
    from me. They set a slow, maddening pace for me. First Lena s hand would fill me, then
    Jerrod s long, hard cock. Over and over and over until I wanted to scream.
     Yes. My hips rocked back and forth as their rhythm picked up speed. Balance, just
    as Lena had said. I was caught between them, balanced on the razor s edge of pleasure
    and pain, only able to follow their lead toward the promise of ecstasy. God help me.
    I reached one hand back to clench on Jerrod s thigh and the other forward to twine in
    Lena s thick curls. They anchored me in the wild storm that ripped through my system.
    My entire body was more alive than it ever had been before, every inch of me tingling,
    shaking with the sensations I couldn t control. They controlled them, controlled me. And
    I trusted them both to take me where I needed to go. With that I let go of everything but
    my need. Heat boiled inside me, consuming me. I closed my eyes and rested my head
    back on Jerrod s shoulder, tears leaking down my cheeks as I twisted my hips to move
    with them. His tongue flicked over my collarbone, over his mate mark. I choked, my sex
    clenching hard. His hand rose to cup my breasts and pinch my nipples, rolling the tight
    tips. Lena s fingers moved to stroke me just so, and a scream tore from my throat as I
    My pussy fisted around Lena s plunging hand while she worked me harder and
    faster, pushing me higher than I d ever gone before. She leaned in and bit the inside of
    my thigh, sinking her fangs into my flesh. I jolted in shock, shuddering over the edge into
    orgasm again. Jerrod slammed deep once more and froze, his come pumping into my ass.
    He groaned low in his throat, the sexy sound echoing in my ear. It was too much, too fast.
    Blackness swam through my vision, and I swayed on my feet. One moment I was
    shivering in the aftereffects of orgasm and the next the world went dark as I fainted.
    42 www.samhainpublishing.com
    Total Eclipse of the Heart
    When I resurfaced I was alone in an unfamiliar bed, but before I could panic, the
    mattress dipped as my mates crawled in on either side of me. Lena curled against me on
    my right, her leg looping over my thigh. I scooted so that my head pillowed on Jerrod s
    arm, and he idly toyed with my nipples. Slow desire coiled through me, and I knew we d
    soon be rolling together on the wide bed. For now it was just us and the quiet that
    surrounded us. For the first time in my life, I felt whole. Replete. All the pieces of my
    soul were in place. Jerrod and Lena fulfilled me.
    His hand slipped down to circle my belly button. Tears filled my eyes as Lena
    reached out to twine her fingers with his on my stomach. Emotion flooded my heart,
    made my breath hitch with the sweet intensity of it. I laid my palm over their hands. The
    three of us joined until death. A grin tugged at my lips. Contentment ballooned inside
    me.  I love you, my mate. Both of you.
    I wasn t naïve enough to think that Malcon s approval would make everyone in the
    werewolf community accept us, but I would fight tooth and claw for my mating. Of that
    much I was certain. It was that simple and that complicated. Jerrod was right. I couldn t
    force the world to agree with us. Not that I d ever admit to a male out loud that he was
    right. It just wasn t seemly. I could only work to strengthen our bonds. The rest we would
    solve later. Together. For now, I had them in my arms, and I would make the most of
    every second we had. With any luck it might be another fifteen decades before we parted.
    A huge smile spread across my face. I d been right. It had been one hell of an
    anniversary. And I was glad the three of us shared it.
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    About the Author
    Crystal Jordan began writing romance after she finished graduate school and needed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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