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    to its essence.  What possible word of encouragement could you have left
    people with after that bit of news?
     Only that whatever we have suffered, whatever ugliness we have faced, all
    will pale in comparison to this worst judgment yet.
     And the ones after this get even worse?
     Hard to imagine, isn't it?
     Makes my worry over our baby seem insignificant. I mean, not to me, but who
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    else can get worked up about it when a third of mankind will soon be wiped
     Only one-fourth of the people left behind at the Rapture will survive until
    Glorious Appearing, Cameron. I am not afraid of death, but I pray every day
    God will allow me the privilege of seeing him return to the earth to set up
    his kingdom. If he takes me before that, I will be reunited with my family and
    other loved ones, but oh, the joy of being here when Jesus arrives!
    Rayford found Hattie outside.  What're you doing? he asked.
     Getting some air. It's nice to be able to move around a little.
     Doc thinks it's too early.
     Doc's in love with me, Rayford. He wants to keep me here, incapacitated if
    Rayford pretended to study the horizon.  What gives you that idea?
     He didn't tell me in so many words, she said.  But a woman knows. I'll bet
    you've noticed.
    Rayford was happy to say he had not. He had been surprised when Floyd told him
    of his feelings, but he was also surprised to know that Hattie had sensed it.
     Has he told you, Rayford?
     Why do you ask?
     He has! I knew it! Well, I'm not interested.
     He had a crush. I'm sure you've pushed him away by now.
    Hattie looked disappointed.  So he's got the picture that there's no hope?
    Rayford shrugged.  It's not like we talk about it.
     Does he know you had a crush on me once?
     Hattie, you sound like a schoolgirl.
     Don't deny it.
     Deny what? That I had a wholly inappropriate attraction to a younger woman?
    We both know nothing ever came of it and"
     Only because a bunch of people disappeared and you started feeling guilty.
    Rayford turned to go back into the house.
     I still make you nervous, don't I?
    He turned.  I'll tell you what makes me nervous. It's your obsession with this
    kid at the airport.
     Ernie? I want to meet him, that's all.
     Did you tell him where we are, how to get here?
     I don't even know.
     Did you tell him Floyd was coming to the hospital?
    Hattie looked away.  Why?
     Did you?
     I might have.
     That was pretty stupid, Hattie. So what's the plan? His buddy, Bo, distracts
    Floyd long enough for Ernie to go get his bike and follow Floyd back to you?
    Hattie looked stricken.  How do you know all this?
     You're working with a teenager, Hattie. And you're acting like one too. If
    you want to see this kid so bad, why don't you ask one of us to take you
     Because Floyd is jealous of him and doesn't want me to even talk to him on
    the phone. Then he convinces you I'm too sick to go anywhere, so you won't
    take me.
     So Ernie's trying to come here to what, get acquainted?
     Bull. Do you know he faked being a believer to get next to Ken and might have
    infiltrated us if we hadn't caught on?
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    Hattie appeared to be hiding a smile, which infuriated Rayford.  You knew
    about that too? he demanded.
     When I told him I wasn't really part of the Tribulation Force, he told me his
    It's what I kinda like about him.
     That he would endanger our lives? That he's an opportunist? A gold digger?
    She shrugged.  The other men in my life are getting boring.
    Rayford shook his head.  I hope you're happy with him.
     Is he coming here?
     Floyd's trying to shake him, but he may have to lead him here. We can't
    withhold oxygen from Chloe just because Floyd has a kid following him. I hope
    you're happy. There's no way we can trust that kid once he knows where we are.
    We'll have to move again, and where will we go? And could we, with a woman
    about to give birth or with a brand-new baby? You go on about not being worthy
    of God's forgiveness, and then you try to prove it.
    Rayford went in and let the door shut behind him. He hesitated, wanting to say
    more but not knowing what. She opened the door.  Come back, Rayford. Chloe's
    in trouble?
     Could be. Needs that oxygen.
     Floyd obviously has his phone with him.
     Call him. Let me talk to him.
    Rayford dialed.
     Hey, Rafe, Floyd said.  He didn't follow me into the airport, but after
    meeting T, I
    know why. We're thinking of switching cars and seeing if the kid will follow
    That's one advantage to our looking alike.
     Good idea, but Hattie wants to talk to you.
     Hi, Doc. Listen, Ernie will talk to me. Just hold the phone out the window of
    the car and stop. . . . Yeah, I think he will. It's worth a try.
     I have been going too fast!
    Buck was startled awake. Had Abdullah said something?  I'm sorry? he shouted.
     I have been going too fast!
    Had he been pulled over by the air police, or what?  We're ahead of schedule
     Yes, but I burned more fuel than I planned, and we need to refuel in New
    Buck just wanted to get home.  Where are you going to put down? New York was
    last on Carpathia's refurbishing list. Still blaming the U.S. for the
    rebellion, I
     I know a place. You will be in Wheeling in two hours.
    Buck checked his watch. It was seven in the Midwest. If they were on the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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