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    form of a handsome woman. She entered the house of Nanda and saw the divine child in the cradle,
    the death to the wicked, with latent prowess and splendour, like fire submerged in ash. The cruel
    Putana took the babe on her lap and suckled it with her breasts containing poison. The Lord
    squeezed her breasts by his hands and sucked through them her vital breath. She screamed forth,
     Let go. Let go. No more. Her eyes bulged out. At last she fell dead like a great mountain.
    The Gopis with Rohini and Yasoda came rushing to the spot and took up the child, which
    was playing fearlessly on the body of Putana who was freed from her sins as she suckled the Lord.
    The smoke that arose out of her burning body was fragrant, like that of sandal wood, as the touch of
    Sri Krishna s body purifies even the enemy. Putana became the foster mother of the Lord, although
    she had the evil intention of killing the child.
    Overturning of the Cart
    The ceremony observed on the child being able to stand on his legs, and the birthday
    ceremony were observed together. There was a great feast at the house of Nanda. After completion
    of the bath, Yasoda found that her child closed His eyes in sleep and so she put Him to bed under a
    cart which contained vessels full of milk and curd. After some time, the child opened His eyes and
    cried for His milk. As Yasoda was busily engaged in receiving her guests, she did not hear Sri
    Krishna s cry. He then kicked the cart with His feet. The cart was upset, the vessels were broken, the
    wheel and axle were upturned, and the yoke was shattered. The Gopis and Gopas were struck with
    wonder. They could not account for this wonderful phenomenon. The boys who were playing there
    told the Gopas and the Gopis, that the child Krishna while crying had overturned the cart by His
    kicks, but the latter could not easily believe what they said. They did not realise the immeasurable
    strength of that child.
    The Killing of Trinavarta
    One day Yasoda was fondling the child on her lap. Suddenly Krishna became very heavy
    like a rock. She was not able to bear the weight of the child and so she left the child on the ground
    and proceeded to do some household work. A demon Trinavarta by name, a servant of Kamsa,
    carried away the child in the form of a whirlwind at the instigation of Kamsa.
    The whole Gokula was wrapt in dust and darkness for sometime. The demon reached the
    sky but he was not able to proceed further on account of the heaviness of Krishna. The child gripped
    his neck tightly and the demon was strangled. He became powerless and could not throw down the
    wonder-child. His eyeballs protruded. He fell breathless from the sky with all his limbs shattered on
    the stones below. The Gopis and the Gopas saw Krishna lying unscathed and happy on the chest of
    the dead Asura and became immensely happy. They restored the child to Yasoda.
    Showing Cosmic Vision to Yasoda
    One day Yasoda took her child on her lap and suckled Him. She kissed her son again and
    again. Just at that time the child yawned. When he opened His mouth, the mother saw the whole
    universe within it. She saw the sky, the space between the earth and the sky, the sun, the moon, the
    stars, the four quarters, fire, air, oceans, continents, mountains, rivers, forests, islands, and all things
    in the universe, animate and inanimate.
    Yasoda who saw the whole universe within the mouth of her own son, shuddered and closed
    her eyes immediately in great fear. She was struck with wonder.
    Naming Ceremony
    Gargacharya was the family priest of the Yadus. He came to Vraja, Nanda s Gokula, one
    day at the request of Vasudeva. Nanda duly received him and said,  You are versed in the Vedas.
    The science of astrology has been propounded by you. Please perform the naming ceremony of
    these two boys. Garga replied,  I am known as the priest of the Yadus. If I conduct the naming
    ceremony of your son, Kamsa might suspect your son to be the eighth son of Devaki. Nanda
    promised strict privacy. Garga performed the ceremony in a quiet and unfrequented place.
    Garga said,  The son of Rohini shall be called Rama or the charming one, as he will charm
    his friends and relatives by his virtues. He will be called by the name  Bala on account of his
    infinite strength. This will be second name. He will bring together all the Yadus and remove all
    differences, and so he will be called by the name  Sankarshana . This dark complexioned child
    assumes the human form in every Yuga. He has already appeared in three colours, white (Sukla),
    red (Rakta) and yellow (Pita). Now he has got the black colour. Therefore his name will be Krishna.
    Your son has very many names and forms. He will bring you prosperity and delight. He will protect
    you against all dangers. You will thoroughly triumph over all difficulties. He will bring extreme
    delight to all Gopas, cows and Gokula as well. O Nanda! Your son is equal to the Lord Narayana by
    his Guna, form, fame, grandeur and powers.
    Sports of the Child
    (Bala Lila)
    Krishna became very naughty. He would untie the calves of the Gopis before the milking
    time. He would steal their milk, butter and curds and divide the remnants after eating among the
    monkeys and break the pots, if they did not eat. He made holes in the pots hanging in the tripod, to
    find out their contents; and after knowing the contents through the hole, he would place a mortar
    below and mount on it to reach them, if the pots were out of reach. He would illumine the dark room
    by the glitter of his own body and the jewels, to serve his purpose. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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