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     I'd like to keep it private for a while.
    He nuzzled the soft tendrils of hair near her ear. Before he could answer, Rashel Sidarova appeared in
    the doorway.  A parade of carriages is coming along the drive, she said breathlessly.
     Thank you, Rashel. Emma clapped her hands in excitement and pulled Nikolas along to welcome their
    Soon the house was filled with conversation and merriment. A score of children gathered around the
    large Christmas tree in the central hall, while the adults congregated in the drawing room to sip spiced
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    wine, eggnog, and a Russian beverage flavored with fermented honey. Lord Shepley, a guest with
    well-known musical talent, played Christmas carols on the piano while others lent their voices in song.
    Emma relaxed as she saw how well the afternoon was progressing. Her father and Nikolas were polite to
    each other, keeping their respective distances and taking refuge in watching the antics of the children.
    Tasia, who looked lovely in a gown of plum silk, caught Emma's gaze and winked.
    Deciding to check on the cook's progress with the first course of dinner, Emma slipped discreetly out of
    the parlor. She hummed a few bars of  Deck the Halls as she walked toward the kitchen. Suddenly a
    hand grasped lightly at her elbow. She whirled around in surprise and saw Nikolas. Her lips parted to
    ask a question, but he caught her face in his hands and kissed her passionately.
     Why did you do that? she asked when she had a chance to speak.
    Nikolas gestured toward the ceiling, to a sprig of mistletoe that someone had hung in the hallway.  I
    could use that as an excuse. But I would have done it anyway.
    A smile curved Emma's lips.  You should be entertaining the guests.
     I'd rather be entertaining you.
    She laughed and pushed at his chest, but he tightened his arms around her.  I want to be alone with
    you, he said, his mouth descending on hers.
    All at once they were interrupted by an unexpected sound the naughty giggling of children. Emma
    stiffened and broke the kiss, turning to the intruders. Hot color flooded up to her hairline as she saw the
    group of three children: Jake and her half brothers, William and Zack& and they were accompanied by
    her father.
    Luke's face was expressionless, but one dark brow lifted quizzically.
    Jake broke the silence.  Don't mind them, he said, rolling his eyes.  They're always doing that.
    Blushing, Emma wrenched free of her husband's embrace and yanked at the waist of her bodice to settle
    it in place.  Where are the four of you going? she asked, trying to cover her discomfort.
    Jake grinned cheerfully.  I'm taking them to see my pony, Ruslan.
     Don't let us keep you, Nikolas muttered.
    Emma pinched him discreetly for the rude remark and cleared her throat.  Perhaps Nikolas will
    accompany you.
    Luke regarded Nikolas speculatively.  Yes, why don't you?
    Jake and the other children began to clamor for Nikolas to go with them, and he complied reluctantly,
    giving Emma a deadly glance. She smiled sweetly in return, hoping that her father would find an
    opportunity to say a few private words to Nikolas. At the very least, it would be good for both of them
    to spend time together.
    Crossing through the central hall, Emma continued toward the kitchen. All at once a strange feeling
    caused the back of her neck to prickle, and her steps slowed. She felt as if there were something wrong,
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    as if a shadow were descending on the house. Throwing a glance over her shoulder, she saw Stanislaus
    welcome a trio of guests into the hall. The first person she recognized was Mr. Oliver Brixton, the
    American enamelware manufacturer who had once been a guest at the Angelovsky manor. He was the
    brother of the woman Adam Milbank had married. Then a small, plain-faced woman appeared, dressed
    in expensive silk and lace, her hair arranged in a neat, practical style. She was on the arm of a
    dark-haired man with very familiar features.
    Adam had come to the Christmas party& and he had brought his wife.
    Emma was motionless, while her thoughts raced in wild confusion. How was it possible? An invitation
    had been sent to Mr. Brixton, more as a courtesy than as an actual expectation of his attendance. But he
    had decided to come, and in an astonishing breach of etiquette, he had brought the Milbanks with him.
    Brixton was smiling easily, clearly having forgotten about Emma's former relationship with Adam. But
    Charlotte Milbank knew. Curiosity and mistrust shone in her gray eyes as she stared at Emma.
    Emma's heart began to pound so heavily that it seemed to knock against her ribs. A light sweat broke
    out on her face. Why was Adam here? What did he intend? People would be watching and wondering,
    holding their breath to see if there would be trouble between Adam and Nikolas. She forced a smile on
    her lips, and went forward to welcome them. Mr. Brixton's homely but kind face lit up, and he kissed her
     Happy Christmas, Your Highness.
    Emma murmured a reply and lowered her gaze to Adam's wife, who was at least a head shorter than
    Charlotte Milbank surprised her by speaking first, in a tone that was well modulated but threaded with
    steel. Her deep voice was incongruous, coming from a small, pudgy woman.  I hope you are able to
    accommodate an extra pair of guests, Your Highness. I'm afraid I insisted on accompanying my brother
    to your party. Ever since I moved to England, I've heard everyone talking about Prince Nikolas and his
    magnificent estate not to mention his wife and her menagerie.
    Emma kept her gaze on the woman, not daring to look at Adam.  You and your family are quite
    welcome to share Christmas with us, Lady Milbank.
    Even as the name left her lips, it sent an odd feeling down Emma's spine. Lady Milbank the title she
    had once longed for more than anything else.
    Charlotte Milbank's face was round and boneless, but her skin was flawless, a beautiful milk white with
    just a hint of pink in her cheeks. Perhaps if she were possessed of a vivacious personality, she could be
    considered attractive, but there was accusation in her flint-gray eyes, and her small mouth was tight and
    Emma had the strange urge to console the woman.You have nothing to fear from me , she longed to say.
    Instead she smiled politely and drew Charlotte toward a nearby group of guests in the drawing room,
    introducing her to each of them. Brixton and Adam lingered behind, while Brixton admired the huge tree
    in the central hall.
    Emma left Charlotte Milbank's side and began to mingle with other guests, but her gaze darted restlessly
    around the scene. Nikolas would return soon she had to find him. He must be warned that Brixton and
    the Milbanks were attending. She refused to look at Adam, although she sensed that he was staring at
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    her.Damn you, Adam , she thought angrily.Why must you make trouble for me? What's done is done.
    You left me and married someone else, and I managed to recover from the hurt. Now let me get on with
    my life ! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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