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valid meeting place worlds. " your own awareness while you are in the dream
Session 713, Page 361 "...each system of reality is
indeed surrounded by its probable realities, though Session 719, Page 424 "Using your dream camera,
any one of those probable realities can be used as you can with practice discover the history of your
the hub, or core reality; in which case all of the own psyche, and find the many probable decisions
others will then be seen as probable. " experienced in dreams.
Session 712, Page 370 "...in a way you can move Session 720, Page 429 "In the dream world,
through time as you move through space. " however, any hallucination will vanish immediately
as soon as you recognize it as such, and tell it to go
Session 712, Page 372 "That physical program is away.
the one you are acting in, alive in, and it is the one
Session 720, Page 430 "Each person has such a
world view, whether living or dead in your terms, Session 725, Page 478 "Your body does not feel as
and that living picture exists despite time or space. if you invade it. Your consciousness and its
It can be perceived by others. consciousness are merged;"
Session 718, Page 430 "Now: If you are honest with Session 725, Page 479 "I have my own identity. Yet
your thoughts and feelings, then you WILL express that identity is composed of other identities, each
them in your waking life, and they will not cast independent, as the Mountain is composed of rocks
disturbing shadows in your dreams. and could not exist without them... I do not feel
invaded by the selves or identities that compose me,
Session 720, Page 431 "Dreaming, the hungry nor do they feel invaded by me --any more than the
individual can discover ways to find food, or to trees, rocks, and grass would resent the mountain
procure the Money to buy it. Dreaming is a shape into which they have grown. So I can look
practical activity. If it were understood as such, it into your reality, as the top of the mountain can
would be even more practical in your terms. look down to the plain and the village. The
mountain peak and the village are equally legitimate.
Session 721, Page 441 "In the dream state any Let us look at this again in another way. Your
individual can find the solution to whatever thinking mind, as you consider it, is the top of your
challenge exists. mountain. In certain terms you can see more than
your cells can, though they are also conscious of
Session 721, Page 441 "If you remembered such a their realties.
dream, therefore, you might think that it was
precognitive, and that the event would become Session 725, Page 481 "You must not eat meat
physical. Instead, the whole portent of the dream because you are killing the animals, and this is
event would be an educational one, bringing your wrong. But in deeper terms, physically and
fear into clear focus. biologically the animals are born from the body of
the earth, which is composed of the corpses of men
Session 720, Page 454 "Waking, you generally and women as much as it is of other matter. The
become familiar with your thoughts through words animals consume you, then, as often as you
that are Mental, automatically translating your consume them, and they are as much a part of your
thoughts into language. Your thoughts therefore fall, humanity as you are a part of their so called animal
or flow, into prefabricated forms. nature.
Session 723, Page 458 "You may not realize it, but Session 725, Page 483 "...the atoms and molecules
your language actually structures your visual that form the table today did not have anything to
perception of objects. Summari breaks down the do with the table five years ago - though the table
usual patterning, therefore, but it also releases the appeared the same then as now.
nervous system from its structured response to any
particular stimulus. Session 725, Page 497 "I do not feel invaded by the
selves or identities that compose me, nor do they
Session 723, Page 462 "In your terms only,[neither feel invaded by me --any more than the trees, rocks,
of] you...has a reincarnational future...You have and grass would resent the mountain shape into
accepted this as your breaking-off point. which they have grown.
Session 721, Page 465 "I told you to take a moment Session 725, Page 499 "Each flower on a hillside
while you were within a particular dream, and to looks out with its own unique vision of the world,
use it to try to discover what had been happening and each consciousness does the same thing,
within the dream before you experienced it. fulfilling a position impossible for any other
consciousness to fulfill.
Session 722, Page 469 "These will certainly lead
you to form your own versions of the exercises Session 727, Page 501 "You are convinced that you
given, or will open your mind so that spontaneously, cannot see the future, and this means -in terms of
in your own way, you become aware of events that our own logic at least -that you cannot look upward
were literally invisible to you before. beyond your own time.
Session 729, Page 522 "Ah here is a self, and
Session 727, Page 502 "Physically the human fetus nothing can be added to it. You have always existed
bears memory of its past. In your terms, it travels as a probable self, though you were not focused in
through the stages of evolution before attaining its the knowledge of your own experience.
human form. It attains that form, however, because
it responds to a future timely a future self not as Session 730, Page 528 "You read the book from the
physically created. beginning, so you think of one life or page
following another. You should be able to see that
Session 727, Page 502 "...in such a way, one part of the entire book exists at once.
the body knows what is happening in every other
part, and the body as a whole knows its precise Session 728, Page 528 "Ruburt s life as he knows it
position on the surface of the planet. It is is not in my memory --because I did different things
biologically aware of all the other life-forms around when I was Ruburt. And he is not bound by that
it to the most minute denominator. (Seth on Cellular reality that was mine. I have memories of being
transmission)" Ruburt --but the Ruburt I was is not the Ruburt that
Ruburt is in his reality.
Session 727, Page 503 "To that degree you are
aware of your own season only, and we will call it Session 728, Page 530 "The course of a cell is not
the physical one -the particular probable reality that predetermined. Cells are usually very cooperative,
you accept as real. particularly as they form the structures of the body.
Session 728, Page 510 "I have memories of being
Ruburt -but the Ruburt I was is not the Ruburt that Session 730, Page 530 "The Absent Self -the absent
Ruburt is in his reality. or unknown self -is the portion of your own
existence that you do not ordinarily perceive or
Session 728, Page 513 "You take it for granted that accept, though there is within you a longing for it. "
interpretations of events change, but that certain
definite events occurred that are beyond alteration. Session 731, Page 535 "The universe is seeded with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] - zanotowane.pl
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