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    seemed to be pursuing, but he could tell they were only giving the impression
    of moving in to keep the dark gods from suspecting the trap.
    Now the attack focused almost exclusively on him endless streams of dark
    energy cast in his direction, fire and projectiles and torrents of rain and
    sleet and wind. In his thin bubble, shielded by something barely visible to
    his eye, he prayed to gods he had nearly forgotten the benevolent, reassuring
    deities of his childhood who had promised rescue and protection to all who
    followed them. He prayed that they might notice him and hold him and the gate
    he guarded safe from the onrushing horde; and he prayed that Lauren might be
    successful in her mission to rescue Molly and he prayed that he and his people
    would get to go home, safe and soon. Because now he could feel what Lauren had
    felt from the mound in front of the cave mouth. The thing that waited in there
    grew and fed but it fed on the poisoned magic that poured at Seolar from all
    sides, and it grew powerful.
    Then the first of the enemy reached the ground beneath him, and Seolar thought
    that for the rest of his life however short that might be he would remember
    the horror of what happened next.
    CHAPTER 20
     & LATEST REPORTS just coming in on the stunning earthquake centered in south
    London, which registered 8.4 on the Richter scale& photos of the devastation& 
     & tornado clusters throughout the Blue Ridge Mountain area& 
     & They just came out of the clear blue sky we didn t have no warning or
    nothing just all of a sudden there were funnels everywhere, and houses
    started& started blowing apart& oh, I m sorry, I just can t talk about it
     & South Florida blanketed under three feet of snow, with more
    falling& Meteorologists are at a loss to explain this devastating freak storm,
    and while they suggest a possible tie-in to the meteor shower that pounded
    most of the planet, none has yet suggested what that connection might be& 
     & We have to assume the entire orange crop for the year is lost. Right now
    we re just doing what we can to save the trees, or we could be looking at
    completely starting over, with no crop for years& 
     & city of Melbourne was hit by balls of fire that chased each other through
    the atmosphere before slamming into the tops of skyscrapers. This strange
    firestorm preceded a hailstorm that left more than a meter of hail on the
    ground, with drifts as deep as three meters in some places. Damage is
    estimated in the hundreds of millions of dollars, though fortunately so far
    estimates of loss of life have been small& 
    Copper House
    Doggie rocked Jake in her arms, but he refused to be comforted. He sobbed,  I
    WANT MY MAMA! over and over. He would not sleep. He would not eat. Doggie s
    heart wept for him.
    She pulled him close and whispered in his ear,  Be patient. We will watch the
    mirror and we will see your mama. But you must be a good boy.
    Jake snuffled and wiped his tears on Doggie s outer robe. He looked at her,
    and said,  Okay. I am a good boy.
    Doggie hugged him.  You are a good boy. It is hard to have the mama far away.
    But she is well I will show you. But you cannot touch the mirror.
    She d kept him all the way away from them had shoved the bed and his toys and
    things she d asked women of the Copper House s veyâr staff to bring for him
    Page 136
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
    into the corner away from the mirrors. She d requested decorative screens, and
    had erected them around the perimeter of her safe place, and neither she nor
    Jake had stepped out of it.
    But he was terrified he was a sensitive little boy, and he needed to know his
    mama was safe. She climbed the couch and stood on the back to look over the
    screen and said to Rue,  He must see her, just for a moment, just to know that
    she is well. I will take him over there, we will look at her, then we will
    come back.
    Rue looked at Doggie.  He must not touch the gates.
     Of course not.
    They came out from behind the screens, and the first thing Doggie saw was the
    view through the Hunter s magic window, which was terrifying before their eyes
    wind ripped ancient trees into the air and tossed them about as if they were
    kindling. But sounds of the storm did not penetrate so deep into Copper House, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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