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    Rider in an apparent peace offering.
    He reached out for the offered hand and shook it, tapping
    Bartholomew s shoulder at the same time in a forgiving gesture.
    Relieved to be out of this mess, he now wanted to help his friend out.
     I ve known Caldwell for a very long time. He ll treat Jasmine and
    their baby right. You won t be disappointed in him as a son-in-law.
     Aren t you mad about him lying with Jasmine while you two
    were engaged? Bartholomew questioned.
     May I speak? Caldwell interjected.
     Yes, please do, Eagon said with his arms crossed.
     When Rider ended his relationship with Jasmine, she turned to
    me for answers since I m close friends with Rider. I could give her
    nothing but comfort, as I didn t know why Rider would let go of this
    incredible woman. However, with my love for her, I soon found
    myself fighting my conscience to remain a faithful friend to Rider. I
    lost the battle and gave in to my feelings, but only after Rider had
    already ended the engagement. I love Jasmine dearly and would do
    anything for her.
     I do care for Jasmine, Rider said to the group.  However, I
    found our relationship wrong from the start, and I didn t act like the
    loving man maybe I should have been. I give my blessings to them
    and hope they will be happy together.
    Caldwell stepped forward and held out his hand to Bartholomew.
     I will do everything in my power to make Jasmine and our baby
    happy, I promise you.
    Reluctantly, Bartholomew shook hands with Caldwell and tapped
    him on the shoulder.  Well, I guess we have a wedding to plan right
    Jasmine looked at her parents and asked,  Would it be all right if I
    spoke with the woodsman for a while?
    Red Rider and the Big Bad Werewolf 59
    Her parents looked at each other and nodded in hesitant
    agreement.  Yes, go and speak with him. You have our blessing.
    The two walked off to a corner of the church to talk, nervous
    laughter coming from both of them. I think I ve become a
    matchmaker. If only I could be this successful with my personal life.
     Well, Rider, I don t know what to say other than I m sorry. Is
    there anything I can do to make this up to you?
     You know, you can invite me to the wedding, Rider said as he
    pointed to a smiling Jasmine and Caldwell.  Now, I m sorry I have to
    rush off, but I have a pressing matter to attend to.
     Thank you for coming, Rider, and dealing with this
    uncomfortable circumstance. I do appreciate everything you do for
    this town, Eagon said as he shook Rider s hand.
     This is my home, and I consider everyone here my family. I will
    always help if I can. With a quick wave to the group, Rider turned
    and ran out of the chapel, feeling a great burden had been lifted off his
    shoulders. He pulled out his dragon claw and began blowing into the
    whistle, calling Red to him. Within a few minutes, she landed in a
    clearing close to Rider inside the village walls. Hopping onto her
    back, he urged her forward to fly over the forest flanking Grandma s
    cottage. He hoped the bird s-eye view might help to find Drake.
    * * * *
     We don t allow strangers in our midst. What are you doing
    here? Harding s voice bellowed through the quiet camp.
     I happened to be visiting an old friend. Now, if you will excuse
    me, I ll be on my way. Drake took a couple steps forward, but
    Harding stopped his progress by putting a strong hand on his chest.
     You look familiar. Do I know you?
     I should think not. Besides, I only associate with people who
    have manners and you, sir, are quite rude. Good day. With a show of
    strength, he forcefully shoved off Harding s hand from his chest and
    60 Hanna Hart
    pushed passed him. His werewolf wanted to sink his fangs and claws
    into him, but Drake continued walking, trying to keep his fury at bay.
    He had no fear of Harding, not like when he was a boy. Their sizes
    appeared to be a match, but not only did Drake have youth on his
    side, he also carried the strength of his werewolf. He continued to
    walk forward as he heard Harding grumbling to himself. He couldn t
    help but smile as he left the camp.
    I think I ll head back to the Hood cottage, and maybe I can talk to
    Rider. I hope he ll still speak with me after the way I acted this
    morning. With the excitement bubbling over of seeing Rider again, he
    started to run through the forest quickly.
    He reached the cottage a few minutes later and rested at the
    beginning of the trail to the front door to catch his breath. Also, he
    needed to think of an explanation for his atrocious behavior earlier. I
    think the truth would probably be best. Rider deserves honesty from
    Starting up the pathway to the little home, he stopped when the
    door opened and an old lady came walking out. She was petite,
    standing about five feet tall with her silver hair pulled into a soft bun.
    Her smile appeared warm and inviting as she waved Drake to come to
    He looked behind him and saw no one else. She s waving me
    toward her. Surprised by her friendliness, he hustled to her side. As
    he took a breath to introduce himself, she began to talk first.
     Drake, I m so glad you came back.
    Taken aback by her knowledge of him, he stared at her in
     Yes, I know you re Drake, and I can see what Rider sees in you.
    You ve grown into such a handsome man. Reaching up, she touched
    his cheek tenderly. Never had he felt such a caring, motherly gesture
    in all his miserable life, and for a brief few seconds, he leaned into her
    touch, revelling in the warmth.
    Red Rider and the Big Bad Werewolf 61
    She removed her hand, and he missed her gentleness right away.
    Smiling at her, he asked,  How do you know who I am?
     I know things. It s a gift I ve been blessed and cursed with. I
    don t pick up on every thing, but I do know who you are and what
    you mean to Rider. I also know what happened to you by my
    husband s actions. Please know he said those words in anger, not
    thinking anything would happen. We searched for you for a long time
    to try to reverse the damage done, but we never saw you again. A
    single tear rolled down her cheek, and this time Drake placed his hand
    on her face and wiped the tear away with his thumb.
     Do you have a cure? he asked, trying not to get his hopes up.
     No, I m sorry, dear, I don t. I think my husband wanted to try
    different spells on you, but in the end, he realized he didn t have a
     I came from talking to a seer, and she told me to seek out the
    family of the man who cursed me. She believed there would be no
    reversal of my curse, but she also said I d find answers here. Do you
    know what she meant by those words?
     No, I m afraid I don t. However, I do hope you intend to stay.
     Well, I m not sure yet. I need to speak to Rider first. Do you
    know where he is?
     He s been called to town for a meeting. However, I know he
    wanted to look for you. He intended to go to the meeting and then
    search the forest for you afterward. Do you want to wait here for
    Rider to return?
     No, I think I ll do the same and search for him while we still
    have quite a few hours of daylight.
     Please know you re always welcome here.
     Thank you. I ll remember your kindness. With a quick wave to
    her, he turned and ran into the forest, heading toward the outskirts of
    the village.
    * * * *
    62 Hanna Hart
    Two hours had passed since Drake began his search for Rider. He
    covered a lot of ground and backtracked in a few places, but still no
    sign of him. He decided to return to one of the places he d already
    checked, the river where he first met Rider. As he walked through the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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