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    able to keep the Great Hall open from 6 AM to 10
    PM seven days a week because all the residents
    keep a sharp eye out for anyone whom they don't
    "Additionally, each unit comes with its own
    electronic security system. This is the safest place in
    the tri-state area to live, and we can back up that
    statement with hard facts."
    "Oh, honey..." Clarissa pleaded. "I think this
    place is perfect, and really inexpensive for what we
    would get."
    "I agree, hon. We could probably qualify for the
    mortgage and pay for it out of my salary alone.
    That way you could stay home when we start
    having children."
    Both of them turned to Dina as Bob spoke. "Yes,
    please, we'd like to put down a deposit on the type
    of unit we've been looking at, but one of the new
    ones under construction, not a used one."
    "You do realize it will be a few months before a
    suitable unit is finished... ?"
    "Sure. That's not a problem.
    "Excellent. Let's return to the office and go over
    the details."
    As they left the Great Hall, Clarissa lingered for
    a moment, murmuring "Lovely," before Dina shut
    off the lights and closed the door.
    Four months later
    Clarissa sat at the breakfast bar, mopping her
    brow. She had been working hard to finish all the
    unpacking and to clean the place for the first time.
    Bob came up behind her and hugged, his hands
    straying a little and eliciting a groaned "Bob, not
    now." However, she softened her refusal by kissing
    "Mmmm, you smell nice," he said, holding her
    "Are you sure your nose is working? I've been
    sweating like a pig!"
    "I'm sure of it. Hey, when's our first night of
    helping cook dinner for the community? I'm actually
    looking forward to it."
    "This Tuesday, I think. But tonight we also have
    an obligation. I'm going to have to look for
    something appropriate to wear."
    "What's tonight?"
    "Remember the condo agreement? All couples
    are required to participate in the Full Moon Frolic,
    held on the second Saturday of each month. It's a
    party or something, supposed to help build
    community feeling. I remember the dress code
    strongly suggested long, loose skirts for women, but
    I don't remember any suggestions for men other
    than normal dress."
    "Oh well, it's a good way to meet everyone, I
    guess. Our new neighbors are really kind and
    considerate. I already love it here," Bob added.
    "Me, too. I wonder "
    The doorbell cut off further conversation.
    Brushing stray strands of hair off her damp face,
    Clarissa answered the door, with Bob right behind
    her. Both smiled to see their visitors.
    "Daniel and Sarah! Come on in. I apologize for
    the mess; we're still in the middle of unpacking."
    "We brought you some coffee and a coffee cake.
    We figured that you wouldn't have laid in many
    provisions yet and might want to take a break,"
    Sarah said, handing the food offering to Clarissa.
    "Thank you so much. It's always nice to meet
    another coffee drinker, especially here at Scarlet
    Moon," Bob grinned.
    "And other lovers of sugar-laden coffee cakes,"
    Clarissa chimed in.
    "Yeah, some folks take the health-food thing a
    little too far, but I don't care as long as it's not
    mandatory. Unlike some other things, but that's
    what makes Scarlet Moon special, right?" Clarissa
    watched Daniel's hand swat Sarah's bottom hard,
    saw how she jumped and gulped before she smiled,
    agreeing, "Yes, this place is special."
    Clarissa wondered at that swat.
    "Well, I'm sorry, come on in! I seem to be
    blocking the door," Bob joked, his attention having
    been on the loud spank and Sarah's facial
    expressions as well.
    The foursome moved to the living room, where
    Sarah helped Clarissa lay out the food and drink,
    magically producing paper and plastic disposable
    foodware from her oversized tote bag.
    "Paper? Plastic?" Bob slapped his face in
    imitation of the famous pose in the painting, "The
    "Yeah, not politically correct, but you folks just
    moved in and don't have your dishes out yet, and
    bringing our china hutch would have been difficult,"
    Daniel laughed. "Don't worry, they don't police your
    garbage. And they're not unreasonable jerks here.
    Slack is cut for people just moving in, who just had
    a new baby, and so on."
    "But not for attending community functions, I
    gather? We moved in barely 48 hours ago, and
    we're supposed to attend tonight's party," Bob said. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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