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    one very stupid dog. To learn more about her current books
    or works in progress, check out her blog at
    http://amberkell.wordpress.com. Her fans can also reach
    her at amberkellwrites@gmail.com.
    Also by Amber Kell:
    Available at Silver Publishing:
    Blood Signs
    Xavier's Xmas
    Soldier Mine (Aug 20)
    Blood Signs 2: Samhain's Kiss (Oct 15)
    Jaynell's Wolf
    Kevin's Alpha
    Kellum's Wizard (Nov 26)
    William's House
    Modeling Death
    Mate Hunt
    Mate Test
    Mate Dance (Nov 5)
    Mate Healer (2012)
    A Guitarist in the Fae Queen's Court (Sept 17)
    Attracting Anthony
    Baiting Ben
    Courting Calvin
    Denying Dare
    Enticing Elliott
    Finding Farro
    Getting Gabe (July 9)
    Hunting Henry (August 6)
    Inflaming Inno (Sept 3)
    Judging Jager (Oct 1)
    ** Please Note: All dates given are tentative **
    Literary Nymphs Reviews gives Jaynell's Wolf 5
    Jaynell Marley arrives at Mayell Wizard Academy to
    complete his training. Jay had already had years of
    advanced private tutoring, therefore his school enrollment
    is more to honor his father's wishes. Joining his new dorm
    roommates for pizza, Jay literally bumps into werekin
    Thomas Sparks. A sniff at Jay's neck has Thomas
    proclaiming that Jay is his mate.
    Jaynell's Wolf is the first book in the Wizard's Touch
    series. The plot is well written plus vastly entertaining. The
    main characters are impressive, along with amusing
    secondary characters. Jaynell is a powerful wizard who
    wonders why his father insisted that Jay attend a school
    when it is clear Jay surpasses everyone in magical skills.
    However, Jay has an unpretentious personality. Thomas is a
    considerate protector, as long as others keep a respectful
    distance from Jay. The secondary characters include
    Gnomes, dragons, half elf, wolf pack in addition to a
    variety of wizards in training. I thoroughly enjoyed
    Jaynell's Wolf. Amber Kell has created a fantastic flight of
    the imagination that is laugh-out-loud hilarious, interwoven
    with heartwarming moments as well as rousing scenes of
    intimate passion. I look forward to the next addition to the
    Wizard's Touch series.
    * * * *
    Lisa at Joyfully Reviewed  "Blood Signs is captivating"
    "Deliciously dark at times and delightfully wicked as well,
    Blood Signs is pure entertainment& [T]he plot will hold
    you, the characters are engaging, and Blood Signs is hard
    to put down once you start. Blood Signs is captivating. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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