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    nothing I can do about that except hang onto my patience and hope he realizes what s right in front of
    him, he murmured, rubbing his face.
    A sudden noise had him whirling, hand going to the blade strapped to his thigh. Voices drifted
    down the hall, angry and sharp. Zeke shoved off and began walking again, moving closer to the
    castle s foyer. The voices grew louder. When he reached the stairs, he realized the sounds were
    coming from just outside. A cold draft of air wafted past him. The front door was slightly ajar. He
    frowned and opened it wider, then slipped into the deepening dark.
    Nathaniel stretched on the bed, massaging the muscles of his pecs. He was sore from helping
    Zeke in the forge. Sore from all the mind-blowing sex. And sore from the martial art forms Zeke had
    talked him into practicing this past week. He d learned them as a boy, but hadn t done any serious
    work with them for years. He was paying for it now.
     We ll be leaving in the next few days, his father said from the chair near the window.
    Nathaniel went still, his heart giving a sick, slow thump. The thought of leaving made him feel
    ill.  Oh? he said mildly, trying not to show how upset he was.
    His father gave him a look.
    Nathaniel put an arm over his head. Over his eyes.  What?
     When are you going to stop being so stubborn and claim your mate? Orifiel asked.
     How can you be so sure about all this? Nathaniel asked.  I ve only known Zeke for a couple
    of weeks. He dropped his arm and lifted his head up, glaring at his father.  And he lives here. Plus
    he s straight.
    Orifiel laughed.  Do you know how long it takes to fly from Oregon to New York?
    Nathaniel frowned.  What are you talking about? He thought of the planes, the flight
    connections, the annoyance of sitting in an airport. He d done plenty of traveling for his job, and he
    was tired of it, to be honest. He was looking for a position at a newspaper or radio station where he
    could surf a desk for a while. Someone who didn t have to drive or fly or take a train every day of the
     Nathaniel, I love you, but you can be really obtuse sometimes. Orifiel got up and walked over
    to the bed. When he sat down, he touched Nathaniel s arm.  You can fly, remember?
    Nathaniel stared at his forearm. He hadn t forgotten, not really. He just wasn t used to thinking
    about having wings.  I don t know, Dad, he said quietly.  I ve never tried it.
     What? Seriously? Orifiel sounded shocked.  Hasn t Zeke taken you out yet?
     No. We ve been busy with the blade work. And other things, Nathaniel admitted.
     My God, that man has the patience of a saint, Orifiel muttered.
    Nathaniel flushed.  I thought I knew what I wanted, Dad. And then all this happened and I feel
    like someone tossed me out of the boat. And I can barely tread water.
    His father stood up and began pacing.  You need to get out there. Spread your wings and fly.
    And I don t mean that metaphorically.
     Why are you so set on this? Nathaniel watched his father walk back and forth.
    Orifiel wheeled around and tapped on the glass.  We re not meant to be caged up. Angels are
    creatures of the air, Nathaniel. He stared out at the clear sky for a moment, then turned and frowned
    at his son.  God didn t give us our gifts so that we could lock them up. He gave them to us to use
    them. You should understand that more clearly than most.
    Nathaniel stood up and joined his father.  You re saying I need to use it or lose it.
    Just as Nathaniel was about to argue that God didn t take that direct a hand in things, a noise
    from outside distracted them both.
     Is that Maion? Orifiel asked, staring down over the front of the castle steps.
    Nathaniel leaned closer, putting his face to the glass.  Oh my God, he breathed, then he
    fumbled with the latch of the casement window.  That s Zeke. And the young students.
     And Maion, Orifiel said grimly.
    Nathaniel finally got the window open. The clash of weapons splintered the silence, and then a
    burst of flames scarred over the stone. Snow and ice melted and a large bout of steam hissed into the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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