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    completely for everything that had happened.
    "And all was in vain," Heleyne whispered. "All that I have done did not save
    him& " she added, and she began to gaze at Agyar's portrait ahead of her. I
    watched her in silence as she stared and stared, until her eyes seemed to
    glaze over in a trance. It was almost unbearable, what was happening to her. I
    knew exactly how she felt, what she was thinking, and I cursed myself over and
    over for not being able to help her. But Ihad to help her; I couldn't just sit
    and let him take another like he took me, not while she was grieving so. No
    one but me deserved such a fate.
    The door behind us swung open, and Agyar entered the room silently. Heleyne
    barely moved her head toward the noise, but I jumped noticeably and moved off
    to the side, away from Heleyne. His face was expressionless as he moved toward
    us, and he stopped behind Heleyne and placed his hand on her shoulder. She
    still did not turn toward him, but continued staring at the portrait. Then he
    looked at me, and a chill shot up my spine.
    "Come here," he said. I could only obey him.
    "I was only comforting her," I whispered, my head down.
    "No doubt," he said. "But I shall do so now. You may go."
    "But Agyar "
    "You may go, Mara," he said, and I hesitated before moving around him
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    silently toward the door. But when I reached it, I stopped and called to him
    "Agyar& " I said as he began stroking Heleyne's head.
    "I told you to leave," he said.
    "I have seen your mark on her," I continued. "I& know what you plan to do to
    her. It isn't right, Agyar."
    As I finished, he began turning toward me and glared. I shivered as he walked
    quickly to the door and stopped within an inch of my face.
    "Sh-she's suffered enough," I stammered. "Sh-she would never want "
    He gripped my chin in a rough hold and held my head firmly in place. His eyes
    burned in anger.
    "You'll do nothing to stop me," he growled. "Do you understand??"
    "Y-you shouldn't do this to her "
    "Silence!" he hissed, and his eyes glowed brighter. I felt his thoughts
    crowding out mine.
    "Shewill be mine," he growled. "Your purpose with me is done, woman. I grow
    weary of your constant whining, your nagging, your complaining. I offered you
    love, and you have given me nothing but hate. I offered you a paradise, and
    you have given me nothing but a hell!
    "Heleyne is to be mine now.She shall be my bride for eternity, not you.
    You've had your chance, woman, but would not take it. Now let me be rid of
    you, and take the better choice for my own. And you will do nothing to stop
    me. Do you understand me? Nothing!"
    "Nothing& " I whispered, and he released my chin in a rough jerk.
    "Go now," he commanded. "Go to the roof, and sit and sleep there, and wait
    for the sun to rise. It will be all over when the sun rises, Mara; watch it
    rise& "
    "Watch it rise& " I said, and left him.
    " stress?" I heard, but could not open my eyes. I was being shaken, first
    gently, and then rather roughly.
    "Mistress?" I heard again, and made a supreme effort to wake and speak to
    Lara, but could only manage a quick grunt.
    "Mistress, wake up; you shouldn't be out here," Lara said, and shook me
    again. Then the shaking stopped, but I knew she had not left me, because I was
    suddenly jolted from the trance by a painful slap on the cheek. I held my face
    and shook my head quickly to clear out the cobwebs in my mind. Lara knelt down
    to help me up.
    "I'm sorry I did that, mistress, but it was the only thing that would wake
    you& "
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    "Uh& yes," I said. "It seems that way& "
    "Why are you out here like this?" she asked. "Morning will be here very soon.
    The sun will be up."
    "Um& um& I was resting," I said. She began guiding me away from the roof edge
    toward the door leading downstairs.
    "I'd say you were in a trance," she said. "I could barely wake you."
    "A trance?"
    "It seemed like one."
    "A trance& " I repeated, and my memories flooded back to me, and I remembered
    what I had been sent there for.
    "No& It's too late now," I whispered as we reached the door. "It's over."
    "What is?"
    "Heleyne. Heleyne and Agyar. She's his now."
    "Oh, is that what he wants to do with her?" Lara said matter-of-factly. "They
    went into a room together only a few moments ago. She wouldn't be converted by
    now "
    "A few moments ago?" I said.
    Lara nodded. "Something like that," she said. "I was wondering if you knew.
    That's why I was looking for you. Mistress, you weren't trying to kill
    yourself, were you? Is that why you were here, waiting for the sun to rise?"
    "No. Agyar wanted me dead. That's why I was here."
    "That's awful!" she gasped. "The master wants you dead so he can convert that
    other woman? That's awful!" she repeated.
    "Never mind about that," I said quickly. "Where are they now? There may still
    be time to stop him, then!"
    "Stop him?" she said. "The master does as he pleases, you know that!"
    "I know," I said, "But that shouldn't be! She doesn't want to be like us, he
    shouldn't do that to her!" I grabbed Lara's arm and pulled her down the stairs
    faster. She almost stumbled several times and began to protest.
    "Mistress, stop this, I can't keep up with you!"
    I stopped dragging her and tugged her forward to face me.
    "Where are they?" I asked. "Please, Lara, I have to know where they are!"
    "In the the " she stammered, and I don't think I made it much easier to
    continue by shaking her so.
    "Where are they?" I demanded.
    "In the guest bedroom!" she cried. "On the second floor, remember?"
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    "I remember," I said, and bolted away from her to reach the room before
    sunrise before it was too late. Lara darted after me, pleading with me to
    please explain what was going on, what was I trying to do, did I mean to hurt
    the master?
    As I reached the door I almost burst straight through, when I was suddenly
    stopped within inches of it by a nearly tangible force. The force was my own
    fear, Agyar's influence making my fear of doing anything to stop him so great
    that I was immobilized, and when Lara rushed up behind me I was shivering in a
    cold sweat.
    "No& " I whispered.
    "What are you doing, mistress?" she cried. "What's this all about?"
    "Shh!" I hissed, and clamped my hand over her mouth.
    "I can't do it!" I said, and pulled away my hand.
    "Can't do what?" she cried. "Mistress, I don't understand this "
    "Hush!" I whispered. "Lara, we must be quiet! I have to get in there," I
    said. "But I can't! He won't let me!"
    "The master won't let you enter?" she whispered, and I nodded quickly.
    "He wants to convert that Christian woman, yes?" she continued, and I nodded
    "It isn't right!" I said. "She doesn't deserve to be converted! But I can't
    stop him!"
    "Do you want me to help you?" she asked.
    I shook my head frantically. "No, no!" I cried. "I must do this myself!"
    "That's too bad, mistress, becauseI'm going to help!" she said, and threw the
    door open.
    The sun had not yet risen, but the sky was rather bright by now, and the
    blacks and grays of the night had become the muted grays of twilight. It was
    the room Gaar and I had originally stayed in. Heleyne lay asleep on the bed,
    and Agyar loomed over her, his teeth firmly implanted in her veins. I'm
    certain he must have heard us talking outside the door but had deemed us to be
    no threat. I had no way of knowing yet how much he had taken from her, but I [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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