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    amazed that her father, Quilliam, the most evil demon who ever existed, had also
    fathered this mealymouthed creature. Was she also unaware of her powers? She would
    have to possess some if the bloodlines ran true. And, if she did and the two of them
    joined forces, they could rule the word.
     Warlock gold.
    Mariette looked at her with disinterest.  And?
    Mavoureen was not surprised. Mortals were dumb. It was obvious she had few of
    their father s genes but not enough to grant her eternal life.  Are you simple-minded?
    Gold equals power.
     Don t you have enough power?
     A woman can always use more. Was there such a thing as enough power?  It s
    hard to maintain what I have and fend off others on nothing but my power. What
    happens if that wanes?
    Mariette shrugged.  You work like normal people do.
    Quel horreur.  Like you?
     I never said I was normal.
    How did this one have the same demon blood in her veins?  Don t you want more
    than what you have? To be satisfied with one s lot in life was not a concept Mavoureen
    believed in. That was for losers as far as she was concerned.
     Yes, of course but nothing is ever that easy.
     What if I told you my power and yours combined would allow us to rule the
    I Don t Think So
    Mariette arched her eyebrows at her.  I would wonder if you have been sniffing
    Amazing.  You have no idea do you of how powerful you are.
     So tell me.
    How far will my dear little sister go if pushed?  If you wanted to you could kill the
     What warlock? Mariette s eyes narrowed in anger.
    Ah yes, he had hurt her. Excellent.  The one who has betrayed your trust.
     So you know about him too? That didn t surprise Mariette.  Manny again?
     You must get sick of bending over and letting him hump you. Even though
    Mavoureen was an evil bitch, she was quite beautiful in a cold and calculating way.
     I do what I must.
    What was that saying? Absolute power corrupts absolutely? There was not enough
    power in the world for her to want Manny on her ass.  So you want gold.
     And you could get revenge, Mavoureen pointed out.
    There was none to get. What was the point of it? Mariette knew something was not
    quite right with Thomas story. No one made her have sex with the warlock. If she was
    really concerned she could have said no. But Mariette hadn t. So there was no
    vengeance to seek. If Mariette felt anything it was just confusion. Had she meant
    anything to Thomas at all? Despite these feelings, Mariette had no intention of telling
    Mavoureen more than she thought she knew and there was no way she would allow
    herself to be used for whatever demented plan Mavoureen had.
     So tell me about the gold. While Mariette liked money she wasn t about to steal it
    from beings who could kick her ass twelve times over.
    Amarinda Jones
    Mavoureen s eyes were alight with greed.  They have more than anyone ever
    dreamed of.
    I do not dream of gold.  Have you seen it? Or was this some mythical pot of gold
    thing that everyone chased but it never existed?
     So how do you know it s real? Mariette didn t think Mavoureen was a rocket
    scientist but then neither was she stupid. She had been around for a long time and
    survived pretty well from what Mariette could see.
     I just know.
    Either she was a fanatic or she was dumb.  Right, so what s the plan to get it?
    Funny, yesterday Mariette would not have considered the possibility that she and this
    evil whore would have anything in common but here she was chatting to Mavoureen.
     Well, I did plan to kill a bunch of warlocks to show them I meant business but as
    you re sleeping with one we could just hold him ransom. He s very powerful.
    That was her plan? Mariette had to admit she was a little disappointed. This was an
    ancient, immortal woman who could create mayhem at the blink of an eye and she was
    thinking of a ransom? Like a warlock would be dumb enough to walk into that trap let
    alone stay in it. How smart had their father been? Did Mavoureen take after him? If so
    the immortality and smart genes she could gladly have.  He would whip your ass
    though you d probably like that.
     Is the warlock good in bed?
    Technically, they had never made it to a bed.  You ll never find out.
     Bit possessive are we?
    Mariette smiled a thin smile.  There is no  we .
     Sticks and stone, sister dear, Mavoureen murmured.  Join me and we ll rule the
    I Don t Think So
    This had been one crazy day. Mariette d had sex with a warlock who wanted to kill
    her and she discovered she had a despotic sister who was going for world domination. I
    wish I was back in my pajamas.  I need time.
     You have none. The word is he has been sent to kill you because of me.
    This was something that Mariette did not get. If Mavoureen was the problem, then
    why not kill her first?  It would be much simpler just killing you.
    Mavoureen waved her hand carelessly.  They re always trying to kill me but I m
    hard to destroy. Her eyes were hard on Mariette.  We have to get the gold by sunset
     Why then?
     Because those do-gooder warlocks are going to liquidate their assets and give their
    money to the poor. Mavoureen sounded quite horrified.  Something about the
    economy and people in hardship yadda, yadda, yadda.
     Bastards, Mariette quipped cynically.  Who told you that? It sounded like a load
    of crap to her.
     You believe what that little twerp says? It all seemed a little too farfetched to
    Mariette. She doubted very much that warlocks gave away anything let alone a stash of
    gold. And wasn t the sudden talk of gold and the stunning fact they were sisters all
    happening at a very coincidental time?
     Think what you like but the world s poor have no idea how to spend money.
     Riiight. On that note, I ll get back to you. Mariette had spent enough time with
    her sister. She turned her back on her and walked out.
     You have an hour, Mavoureen declared.
     Oh fuck off. Mariette wasn t about to be dictated to by anyone let alone this slut.
     You ll hear from me when you hear from me.
    Amarinda Jones
    Mavoureen followed her out of the house.  Do not pass this chance up. Together
    we are more powerful but apart I can look after myself. On your own, you re a target.
    Think about that, sister dear.
    * * * * *
    Thomas was waiting for Mariette when she got home.  You saw Mavoureen.
    Lucky guess or had he been watching her?  Yes. Did all killers look at their targets
    with such tenderness?
     What s wrong?
     Nothing. Everything. Just my dumb luck to fall for you.  I m tired. It s been a hell of a
    day. I just want to go to bed alone.
     Mari, Thomas said, stretching his hand out to her.
    Mariette knew what he wanted but taking his hand now would be like accepting
    that lying to her was okay.  Just leave me, warlock. She walked in the direction of her
    Undaunted, Thomas followed her.  Tell me what s going on?
     You wouldn t understand. If you did you wouldn t have lied to me.
     Have I done something?
    His voice was full of concern and for one moment she wanted to turn around and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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