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    I m surprised they didn t put him down
    right there. That s one nasty looking scar.
     might have, but the first cop on the scene happened to
    love horses and he called a vet in right away. When the vet got
    there, they somehow managed to stabilize him before they
    transported him to a clinic. They called me, and I agreed to foot the
    bill to get him healed up enough. The police arrested his owner for
    drunk driving, and I got a pretty good horse out of the deal.
    Shit. That had to cost you a lot out of pocket for him. Austin
    finished brushing and took the pad Branimir handed him.
    Branimir shrugged.  don t brag about it, but I m not hurting
    for cash. The breeding operation pays for itself, and I do pretty
    well with retraining and selling the horses to new owners. Plus I
    have money coming in from other sources. I don t believe in
    putting all my eggs into one basket, even if I prefer the horses to
    any of the other things.
    Austin laughed.  So
    do I. My father swears I m a throwback to
    my cowboy ancestors.
    They finished saddling Buster before sliding the bit into the
    gelding s mouth. Austin took the reins to lead the horse over to the
    outdoor arena. Branimir grabbed a helmet and gloves on the way.
    Austin watched the older man hook the chinstrap.
    Wouldn t take you as a guy who wore a helmet outside the
    show ring, he commented.
    Branimir took a leg up from him and settled into the dressage
    saddle like he was coming home. The man looked like he belonged
    on Buster s back, and Austin had a feeling Branimir would look
    like that on any horse.
     saw too many serious injuries caused when people didn t
    wear the right head gear. Might take away from my cowboy image,
    but I d rather be safe than sorry.
    I m with you on that, man. Austin slapped Branimir s thigh,
    doing his best to ignore the hard muscle under the jeans.  Sh
    ow me
    what the big boy can do.
    The wicked wink Branimir sent him made Austin think about
    what he d said. Holy shit! Could he have sounded more
    suggestive? Yet he was surprised Branimir caught it. The man
    seemed wrapped up in his horses and not looking for a hook-up.
    Austin swallowed hard, his eyes glued to the firm ass rising and
    falling above the saddle as Buster trotted around the perimeter of
    the arena. He shifted in such a way Branimir couldn t see him
    adjust the hard-on in his riding breeches. Why did he have to wear
    such tight pants today?
    Forcing his mind off the movement of Branimir, Austin
    focused on Buster s stride and fluidity as Branimir steered the
    gelding through some of the movements of a third-level test.
    Buster s collection was exceptional, being on the bit and accepting
    it without fighting Branimir s instruction.
    At the extended trot, Buster floated over the ground and when
    he turned in through the diagonal to do his flying lead changes, it
    looked like he skipped across the arena. His ears flickered back
    toward Branimir and forward as he showed off.
    Austin could see a little stiffness in his side during the leg
    yields and half-passes, but most of it could be worked out the more
    training the gelding had. His elasticity seemed compromised by the
    scars on his chest, but still Austin agreed with Branimir. Buster
    didn t have the flash and presence a Grand Prix dressage horse
    needed to succeed at the highest levels. Yet he had more than
    enough talent to make an amateur rider a great mount.
    He dug out his phone and dialed a number, while keeping an
    eye on the pair in the arena. Branimir loosened the reins, allowing
    Buster to free walk around. The gelding stretched and yawned like
    this was all so boring to him. Branimir s laughter rang through the
    air, freezing Austin with the phone pressed to his ear.
    The sheer joy on the man s face tugged at Austin s heart and
    gave him the feeling the only time Branimir really laughed and
    enjoyed life was while working with his horses. It wasn t like
    Branimir was sad or anything like that. Austin got the idea
    Branimir had worked through his anger and sadness at Til s death.
    The other man seemed lonely& or maybe the right word was
    Spellsin? Are you there? You better not have butt dialed me
    His cousin s voice broke through his thoughts.
    Shit! Sorry about that, Nelson. Got thinking about something
    else there for a minute.
     am I not surprised? His cousin chuckled.  Sowhat s
    got you calling me?
    man with a horse.
    Austin smiled at Branimir as he and Buster walked by. His
    cousin grunted.
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