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    had been postulated centuries before-by the 2018 Jovian expedition, the last
    space flight with Muir engines which was completed on behalf of the West
    before that culture's final extinction. The building, by remote control, of
    the Bridge on the face of Jupiter itself, easily the most enormous (and in
    most other respects the most useless) engineering project ever undertaken by
    man, had made possible direct, close measurements of Jupiter's magnetic field.
    The measurements provided final confirmation of the Blackett-Dirac equations.
    which as early as 1948 had proposed a direct relationship between magnetism,
    gravitation, and the rate of spin of any mass.
    Up to that time, nothing had been done with the Blackett-Dirac hypothesis,
    -which remained a toy of pure mathematicians. Then, abruptly, the hypothesis
    and the mathematicians had their first innings; From the many pages of symbols
    and the mumbled discussions of the possible field-strength of a single
    electronic pole in rotation, the DillonWagonner grávitron polarity
    generator-almost immediately dubbed the "spindizzy" in honor of what it did-
    to electron rotation-sprang as if full-born. The overdrive, the meteor screen,
    and antigravity had all arrived in one compact package labeled "G 2(PC/BU)2."
    Every culture has -its characteristic mathematic, in which its toriographers
    can see its inevitable social form. This expression, couched in the algebra of
    the Magian culture, pointing toward the matrix mechanics of the new Nomad Era,
    remained essentially a Western discovery. At first its
    major significance Seemed to lie in the fact that it was rooted in a variation
    of the value of C, the velocity of light, as a limit. The West used the
    spindizzy to scatter the nearby stars with colonists during the last fifty
    years of its existence; but even then, it did not realize the power of the
    weapon that it held in its faltering hands. Essentially, the West never found
    out that the spindizzy could lift anything, as well as protect it and drive it
    faster than light.
    In the succeeding centuries, the whole concept of space flight was almost
    forgotten. The new culture on Earth, that narrow planar despotism called by
    historiographers the Bureaucratic State, did not think that way. Space flight
    had been a natural, if late, outcome of Western thought patterns, which had
    always been ambitious for the infinite. The Soviets, however, were opposed so
    bitterly to the very idea that they would not even allow their fiction writers
    to mention it. Where the West had soared from the rock of Earth like a
    sequoia, the Soviets spread like lichens over the planet, tightening their
    grip, satisfied to be
    - at the bases of the pillars of sunlight the West had sought to ascend.
    This was the way the Bureaucratic State had been born and had triumphed, and
    it was the way it. meant to maintain its holdings. There had never been any
    direct military conquest of the West by the Soviets. Indeed, by 2105, the date
    usually-~ssigned to the fall of the West, any such battle would have
    depopulated the Earth almost overnight. Instead, the West helped conquer
    itself, a long and painful process' -which many people foresaw but no one was
    able to halt. In its anxiety to prevent infiltration by the, enemy, the West
    developed thought controls of its own, which grew ever tighter. In the end,
    the two opposing cultures could no longer be told apart-and since the Soviets
    had had far more practice at running this kind of monolithic government than
    had the West, Soviet leadership became a bloodless fact.
    The ban on thinking about space flight extended even to the speculations of
    physicists. The omnipresent thought police were instructed in the formulae of
    ballistics and other disciplines of astronautics, and could detect such
    work-Unearthly Activities, it was called-long before it might have reached the
    proving-stand stage.
    The thought police, however, could not ban atomic
    research because the new state's power rested upon it. It had been from study [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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