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    Cross secrets. She did not even think of Zor as a security risk. She could
    only think of those huge, oblique, elfin eyes, the face like a classical
    sculpture's, the tumbling lavender locks of hair that fell past his shoulders,
    the hypnotic fascination he held for her.
    At the door of her billet in the Bachelor Officers' Quarters, she found
    a lush bouquet of pink, black, and red roses, wrapped in silver-and-black
    striped metallic paper. The sight of them took all her fatigue away.
    Nova Satori pulled them close to her body, inhaled them, and carried
    them into her billet. That scent-she drew it in deeply and wished she could
    lose herself in it, could live in the Heart of the Rose forever. To be with
    Zor, somehow, someday, seemed so hopeless.
    I thought love was supposed to make you happy?
    In the dimness of a bend in the hallway, Dana patted the sweating
    Komodo's shoulder, as they watched Nova's door close from their concealment.
    "That completes the first part of the operation, Captain: the
    softening-up process!"
    Inside her rooms, Nova set down the ALUCE binder and the roses side by
    side. There was a note in the flowers, printed in block letters: FROM AN
    She held up the other note she had gotten that day, the one Zor had
    tucked into the ALUCE book. I can't begin to thank you, Nova. Every bit of
    information you give me restores more of my memory, more of me.
    Then she realized all at once that she had violated the regulations she
    was sworn to enforce. What have I done?
    So the screwball contredanse continued. Dana tried to convince Komodo
    that his flowers were the cause of the lovesickness he saw on Nova's glum
    face. Meanwhile, Nova determinedly snubbed Zor and resisted his every effort
    to get in touch-yet she felt dangerously drawn to him.
    It had Nova so distracted that she screwed up, and flagged a VT pilot
    named Dennis Brown-a former aide of Emerson's, yet!-who had been scheduled to
    go to ALUCE and was now held back as a security risk.
    She hunted the lieutenant down out on the flight line to apologize. He
    merely shrugged it off. He looked her over for a few moments and decided she
    could be trusted to hear the truth.
    "Maybe it's all for the good. You have the computers and you aren't
    blind, Nova. Leonard's weeding out all the officers who aren't loyal to him
    personally, like some Roman emperor sending all his rivals off to distant
    provinces. Thanks to you, though, at least one of us'll be here to keep an eye
    on things: me."
    He really was thanking her! Nova summoned up a grateful smile and
    resolved to bury Brown's name and file where few in the GMP would ever notice
    At the far end of the flight line Dana, watching from behind a shuttle's
    huge tire, whistled. "Man, that Nova knows how to play the field!" Captain
    Page 18
    ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
    Komodo fought off an attack of terminal disheartenment.
    In view of the adverse relationship between Major General Emerson and certain
    members of this unit, the transfer of the Singularity Effect-generating
    equipment to his flagship will be effected in such a way as to preclude all
    mention of or reference to the origins of the aforementioned equipment.
    (signed) Zand, Commanding
    The 15th's ready-room was dark. Most of the troopers were out on pass or on
    ATAC guard duty or dozing. A few, like Robotechnofreak-another term for it was
    "mechie"-Louie Nichols, were taking care of maintenance or tinkering with
    their Hovertanks down on the motorstable levels.
    Bowie Grant sat playing the piano softly. Sometimes he went into the
    melodies he had played for Musica, and the ones she had played for him. But
    tonight he kept coming back again and again to the ones Emerson had taught him
    as a child, when the General introduced him to the piano and fostered Bowie's
    love of music. Bowie played his own compositions, the early ones that had made
    Emerson so proud. There was no one in the dimness of the ready-room to hear
    the music, or to see his tears.
    Below, though, in a long, black military limousine parked under the open
    windows of the ready-room, there was an audience. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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