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    evidence to prove a conspiracy existed to force Britain into declaring war on Germany. This
    evidence consisted of secret coded cables which had passed between Mr. Winston Churchill and
    President Roosevelt, unknown to Mr. Chamberlain, the then Prime Minister. Captain Ramsay
    offered to obtain copies of these documents to prove that the International Bankers were
    determined to bring about World War II for the purpose of bringing the rest of the European
    nations under Communist control. The Illuminati control both.
    Tyler Kent was the coding officer who had coded and decoded these secret documents in the
    American Embassy in London. Anna Wolkoff was his assistant. Like Gouzenko they felt sick
    at the thought of the world being plunged into another Global War to further the ambitions of a
    few totalitarian-minded men whose wealth compelled even presidents and top-level statesmen
    to do their will. The same conditions existed in 1938 as existed in Paris in 1919, prior to the
    signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
    Tyler Kent, like many other people, knew Captain Ramsay was suspicious of  An international
    Jewish conspiracy . He knew Captain Ramsay was trying to prevent the war. When Captain
    Ramsay told him Mr. Chamberlain would prevent such a conspiracy from being put into effect
    if he was given authentic documentary evidence to prove such an international conspiracy did
    actually exist, Tyler Kent offered to show Captain Ramsay the damning documents in his flat at
    47 Gloucester Place, London.
    The international conspirators had, however, been busy. In March, 1939 they had tricked Mr.
    Chamberlain into signing a guarantee to protect Poland from German aggression by presenting
    him with a false report to the effect that a 48-hour ultimatum had been delivered by Germany to
    the Poles. The facts are that the German government did not issue any 48-hour ultimatum. The
    German note set forth reasonable suggestions for a  peaceful solution of the problems created
    by the Treaty of Versailles in regard to the Polish Corridor and Danzig.
    History will prove that the only reason the Polish government ignored the German note was
    because agents of the international conspirators advised its leading statesmen that the British
    guarantee assured them against German aggression.
    Month after month went by and still Poland ignored the German note completely. Meanwhile
    the anti-German Press speeded up its torrents of abuse against Hitler because he had dared to
    defy the power of the international Money-Barons. Hitler had earned their hatred by his
    independent financial policy and monetary reforms. The public was made to believe, and at
    that tine I was also made to believe, that Hitler s word couldn t be trusted. The public was told
    after his  Putsch into Sudetenland, that Hitler had said he  intended to make no further
    demands. It was made to appear by the press that the German note to Poland suggesting a
     peaceful solution to the problems created by the Treaty of Versailles was  another demand ,
    and therefore,  a broken promise .
    History proves it was no such thing. What Hitler had said was that he would make no further
    http://yamaguchy.netfirms.com/carr/pawns_16.html (19 of 25)5.4.2006 12:16:42
    William Carr, Pawns in the Game, ch 16, 17
    demands AFTER he had rectified the injustices inflicted upon the German people by those who
    had dictated the terms and conditions incorporated into the Treaty of Versailles. That is a horse
    of a very different colour. It is a typical example of how a half-truth is far more dangerous than
    a direct lie.
    Hitler s promise was qualified. He promised he would make no further demands after the
    problems involving Sudetenland, part of Czechoslovakia, the Polish Corridor and Danzig, had
    been solved.
    The German grievances were real and justified. By the Treaty of Versailles the Polish Corridor
    had separated East Prussia from the rest of Germany. Danzig, a purely German city, had been
    isolated; the Germans who had remained in the territory which became known as
    Czechoslovakia, had been persecuted; the expressed wish of the Austrian people to unite with
    Germany, for their own protection against Communist aggression, had been denied. Generally
    speaking, public opinion in the Western World has been moulded to blame France and the
    nations which formed the  Little Entente for insisting on this policy towards Germany. It
    cannot be denied that the post-war policy of the Allied Powers towards Germany was in direct
    contradiction to the principles of  Self-Determination which had been accepted by the
    governments involved on behalf of the people who had elected them to manage their affairs.
    Each succeeding German democratic chancellor had tried by diplomatic negotiation to obtain
    redress and had failed. It was their failure to obtain justice by peaceful means that influenced
    the German people when they swept Hitler to power. Winston Churchill labeled Hitler  That
    Monstrous Abortion of lies and deceits , but it cannot truthfully be denied that in 1939 Hitler
    was trying once again to arrange a peaceful solution of the problems created by the Polish
    Corridor, and Danzig, when the agents of the international conspirators deceived Prime Minister
    Chamberlain into believing that Hitler had issued an  Ultimatum to the Polish government and
    had moved in his armies to back up his demands. It was this act of deception that caused Mr.
    Chamberlain to reluctantly advise His Majesty s government to declare war on Germany.
    This is a grave accusation to make, but its truth and justification is proved by the fact that
    exactly the same thing happened all over again towards the end of, and immediately after the
    end of, World War II.
    It would be ridiculous to suppose that sincere, Christian statesmen could repeat, and compound,
    such injustices as those perpetrated by the Treaty of Versailles. But these injustices were
    repeated by the Allied Powers by the adoption of the policy of unconditional surrender; by the
    adoption of the Stalin-White-Morgenthau Economic Plan; by the partitioning of Germany; by
    the evil motives behind the German re-armament plan; by the post-war crisis with France; and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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