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    dream but when you re clear why you choose to do otherwise, you have more power and will
    be less likely to resent the work. Remember, power is how much control you have over your
    How did your conversation go?
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    D. If you re just beginning to date, allow him to pay and give him lots of appreciation and even
    tell him that his generosity makes you feel womanly. See his paying as a constant gift to you.
    To pay him back, prepare him nice meals occasionally. He ll appreciate your thoughtfulness.
    General Notes:
    Chapter 11: Why men need concise communication.
    Secret #11: To be heard, you must speak his language.
    Have a conversation about communication with your husband or boyfriend.
    A. Discuss with each other:
    1. How it feels when each is being listened to.
    2. How it feels when the other is half-listening.
    3. How you can bring up areas of discontent without it accelerating to an argument. (Don t
    forget Feminine Grace. Read about communication in the next section.)
    ~ 25 ~
    4. What would be a mutually agreed-upon signal to stop a conversation before it gets out of
    hand. Use some kind of time-out signal.
    B. Have a discussion to discover your individual communication styles. Find out:
    1. What each of you needs from the other to feel heard.
    2. If you each get enough talking time, and if not, what can be done so you do.
    3. How to improve your verbal interactions so you both feel more fulfilled and closer as a
    C. As you become more aware of your communication styles, vow to work together to improve
    how you speak to each other so you both get your needs met. Vow also to push beyond your
    comfort zone so you can speak with more ease about subjects you ve avoided in the past.
    Maybe you haven t been able to ask for what you want. Maybe he hasn t been able to say no
    to you. Maybe you need to let him know how he s been hurting you. Maybe the sexual side of
    your relationship could improve with better communication. Make it a project that you can
    work on together. It s guaranteed to bring you closer because you ll both become more open [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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