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    She glanced at the note pasted to the front of the file folder.  Not
    another pro bono case. Natalie shook her head.  I can hardly pay the
    mortgage now. Pretty soon, I ll be working for nothing. I have a big
    heart, Anne, but I do like to eat.
    Anne laughed.  If you don t take it, it will go to Legal Aid and God
    love those guys down there, but you know how it is. They are
    overworked and& 
     What is it? she asked.  Why should I be interested in this
     It s the Brazil thing. Remember the two guys they brought back
    from South America for attempting to fraud and poison that plantation
     Oh yeah, right, Natalie picked up the file.
     The one guy Hal Makin has a lawyer, a high priced one at that. He
    has the money to pay. He would have made bail if the judge would have
    allowed it. Marshall Calletti, his accomplice, does not have any money
    that we know of, so it s Legal Aid for him.
     Umm, Natalie opened the file.  Why is this something I should
    DJ Manly
    care about, Anne?
     Because it will remind you of a case we worked on almost ten
    years ago to this day. Remember Daniel Coteau and his older brother,
     Yeah. I remember, she replied.
    How could she ever forget? Daniel Coteau was manipulated into
    shooting his parents. He got life. She had tried to get the sentence
    reduced to temporary insanity based on the fact that Daniel was
    psychologically dependent on Francois, but she had failed.
     Weren t the parents abusive?
     The father was emotionally abusive to Daniel because he believed
    that he wasn t his real son. Francois was adored by his parents.
    It all came back to her. That case had almost convinced her to
    leave the legal profession.
     Are you telling me we have another Daniel and Francois Coteau
    here? Natalie began to skim the file.
     In a sense. I m sure you will see some similarity. Thought you d
    just like to look at it before Legal Aid gets its hands on it, Anne mused.
     Oh, by the way, I swiped it so& , she held a finger to her lips and
    Natalie laughed&  Thanks Anne, that s all I need& another case,
    she rolled her eyes,  and a partner I will have to defend on a charge of
    Anne laughed.  Let me know what you decide. I have to get that file
    back soon. Someone will be looking for it.
     I ll read it and take it back myself. Don t worry. I ll make
    something up.
    Arsenic and Rio
    Chapter 67
    ngelo wandered aimlessly around the plantation house, looking
    for this and that. Robert watched him from where he sat on the
    sofa. It looked like he was going to make a full recovery. He had been
    very lucky, but he was still a little weak and he needed to rest.
    Robert felt coming back here to this house was a mistake. It had
    been just a little over a month since Angelo had been as near to death
    as one could be without visiting the morgue.
    Angelo had insisted, saying he wanted to get some personal
    belongings. He had been very upset when he heard the news about
    Marta and Cruz. Robert had a hard time keeping him in the hospital
    during the funeral. He wanted so desperately to be there, but he was
    far too weak to travel.
    Richardo and Maria Hernadez had moved to Sao Paulo temporarily
    to live with other family. The ordeal they had experienced had
    traumatized them and Maria s health had deteriorated greatly.
    Angelo had instructed Senior Cardoso to put the plantation up for
    sale. Then Ricardo had offered to buy it. Cardoso advised Angelo to
    hold out for a better price, but he d decided Ricardo should have it.
    The plantation had been in the Hernadez family for three generations.
    Angelo told Robert that in spite of the bad blood between them, he felt
    good about putting it back where it belonged. He had never really been
    one of them anyway.
    Robert protested when Angelo told him he needed to come back
    here. He needed some kind of closure, but he wasn t sure he was
    going to get it.
    Robert had insisted on coming with him. Angelo seemed a little
    annoyed, telling him to stop fussing over him.
    DJ Manly
    Robert knew Angelo needed time alone, to think. He was in a lot of
    pain, and he didn t seem to know what to do with it. Robert finally
    understood that he had to let Angelo do what he believed he had to.
    While he began to empty his bedroom closet of clothes, Robert
    noticed how Angelo kept looking over at the bed. The pain appeared to
    settle over him and cause him to take a gasp for air.
    Robert watched him. When he said his name, Angelo jumped a
     We don t have to sleep in this house tonight, do we?
    Angelo looked up at him as he placed some t-shirts in his suitcase.
     It s a little late to go back to the city tonight.
    Robert sighed.  I guess it is, he walked back out of the room.
    * * * *
    A few hours later, they had dinner. Then Angelo disappeared. When he
    didn t come back after a half hour, Robert went looking for him.
    He knew what Angelo called saying goodbye was just an excuse to
    relive the past, a past he should be putting behind him.
    He found him out back, looking up at the night sky. He looked so
    alone. He knew it was too soon to step in and fill the void. He would
    wait a little while.
    Robert smiled as Angelo began to point out some of the night stars.
    It was fate that had brought them together again, and he was going to
    do everything in his power to make it work this time. Back at the
    university, they had been too young. It wasn t the same anymore.
    Angelo would have to go to Canada to testify in the future. He would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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