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     I would like to call you a cab. Gage would be fine for ten minutes, and if he wasn t, Nunez would hear
    the duress word in his earpiece and come running.
     I do not have the money.
     You always walk home, even if you work the last shift?
    She nodded.
    Anger kicked him in the gut, too hard, too fast, especially for a man who never lost it.  The bar closes at
    two o clock in the fucking morning.
    A smile tapered her eyes.  I believe your language is not chivalrous.
    His language also was too Mike Nunez and not nearly Miguel Carvalho, a dangerous slip he wouldn t let
    happen again.  My apologies.
     Accepted. Her grin stayed this time.
    He liked it . . . too much. He needed cool and level.
     Please let me make it up to you by walking you safely home. His ear set let him know Gage was
    wrapping things up for the night anyway.
    Kutros was hitting on a hooker.
    Nothing more held Nunez in the Oasis tonight, and something someone very compelling called him to
    leave. He waited on an answer that became more important than it should. She was a link to his case. A
    link to Chuck Tanaka.
    She hitched her purse over her shoulder.  In the spirit of giving your chivalry a try, I accept.
    Jimmy tried like hell to keep his steps even on the way to his base quarters, but there was no denying the
    truth. Antialcohol meds be damned, he had a buzz worthy of any frat rush.
    He braced a hand on the corridor wall, the evening at the Oasis rolling through his mind as fast as the
    floor undulated beneath his feet. When he left, Nunez had still been at the bar waiting around for some
    waitress. Not a bad gig, getting to flirt with pretty women.
    If it weren t for the fact any of those women might be out to slit your throat. Now, that was a sobering
    The tile floor steadied under him, and he picked up speed rounding a corner, the hall empty and silent
    other than the low drone of the television in the commons room. He welcomed the chance to help find
    their friend, and he wasn t exactly a novice at this sort of thing. He d done plenty of  spooking around in
    the military test world. Secret meetings with heads of state for briefings on new test projects. Traveling to
    other countries for additional meetings with generals overseas.
    Patience paid off, and all things told, this op would move fast. Of course, Nunez had laid the groundwork
    over time, investigating other missing soldiers, until finally the break came with Chuck and his tracking
    They were so close now, if the tracking info could be believed. Nunez assured him they had people on
    the ground searching Adana for human intel. Any day they could be launching a rescue.
    He glanced inside and found Chloe, sitting alone, barely dressed.
    She pulled a baby wipe from a container and swiped it along one arm, then over another. His pulse
    throbbed in his ears.
    Okay, to be fair, she wore more clothes than the rock star chick usually draped over strategic body
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    parts. But for Chloe, the shape-hugging white tank top and cut-off khaki shorts made for Daisy
    Duke-fantasy material that turned him inside out at a time when his defenses were seriously
    Was it her dry wit or her sarcastic putdowns that drew him to her? Had to be her refreshing honesty that
    never failed to knock him flat. All that starch wrapped up in a pretty package. A pretty package with
    some serious issues he wasn t sure he could handle. A wise man would retreat and regroup. Mars, god
    of war, however, insisted retreat was for sissies.
    His drunken feet carried him the rest of the way into the room.  Anything good showing on the Armed
    Forces Network?
    Chloe twisted at the waist to face him. She held up her hands.  Stay back. I m in dire need of a date with
    a shower and my lavender soap. I smell like a compost heap doused in baby powder.
     I seriously doubt that.
    Her eyes glinted, and not in a good way. She was still pissed over the way he d pulled back in the cab
    after she told him about her kidney transplant. He d been a jackass. He just wasn t sure he could do any
    better now. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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