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    farther and farther. The whole universe is filled
    with your joy.
    (Buddhist value: Fresh and beautiful flowers of today will become
    withered and ugly tomorrow. This reminds us of the Buddha's
    teaching that all things are impermanent.)
    Imagine that you are a beautiful flower. What kind
    of flower are you? See the colour of your petals.
    Appreciate that you are now a beautiful flower.
    Someone comes along and buys you from the
    flower shop. She puts you into a vase filled with
    water. You are gently sucking up the water and
    blooming more beautifully than before. You are
    fresh and sending off a sweet fragrance. The lady
    puts you on the table and offers you to the
    Buddha. You stand beautifully in the vase, bring-
    ing joy and happiness to people's hearts when
    they see you.
    One day has passed. Slowly, the colour of your
    petals becomes dull. You are no longer sending off
    a sweet fragrance. Your petals become withered
    and discoloured. You are ugly and faded.
    Although you are a withered flower, you are still
    happy in your heart. You know that you have an
    important role to play. Your role is to remind
    people of the Buddha s teaching that all things are
    impermanent. All things are constantly going
    through change. Everyone s body too, like your
    petals, will wither and pass away. Everyone
    should keep impermanence in mind and live in the
    (Buddhist value: Water symbolises purity, clarity and calmness,
    and reminds us to cleanse our minds and attain the state of purity)
    Imagine that you are now pure clean water. Some-
    one comes along and gently put you into a small
    bowl. The person then offers you to the Buddha.
    You rest happily in the bowl knowing that you
    have an important role to play. You symbolise
    purity, clarity and calmness. You remind people to
    practise the Buddha s teachings, which is con-
    stantly cleansing their minds.
    Water is used to clean away dirt. When everyone
    sees you, they are happy and joyful. This is
    because they are reminded that they can wash
    away the filth of their minds. They should wash
    away selfish and unkind thoughts and be clean
    and pure like you.
    The Buddha is someone free from dirty defilements
    like desire, ill-will and ignorance. We should all be
    like the Buddha, who does not have any dirt of
    defilements but only purity in his mind.
    Garth, Maureen.  Moonbeam  A Book of
    Meditations for Children
    Herzog, Stephanie.  Joy in the Classroom.
    University of the Trees Press. 1982
    Rozman, Deborah.  Meditating with Children  the
    Art of Concentrating and Centering Planetary
    Publications. 1994
    Hudson, John.  Meditation  A Practical Guide to
    Achieving Harmony. Southwater. 1996
    George, Mike.  Discover Inner Peace  The
    Illustrated Guide to Personal Enlightenment .
    Duncan Baird Publishers Ltd. 1999
    Kid s Meditation
    Bee Hong @ PKS
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