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    for a refund, cancelled, or complained. If the number is low or nonexistent, that means a high risk reversal would do
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    wonders for you. If you have a high incidence of problems or dissatisfaction, it means either you promised too much or
    your product or services are inferior and need quality attention.
    If you provide and deliver true quality and value that can be appreciated, perceived, and understood, don't be afraid to
    offer risk reversal. Try it out with a few prospects or clients. Or ask one salesperson to try it for a day or week or in one
    market to see how much better clients respond before you incorporate it continually or systemwide.
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    Chapter 8: Would You Like the Left Shoe, Too?
    When clients turn to you and decide to make a purchase, it's because those clients trust and respect you and your ability
    to serve their individual needs. In their eyes, you are a leader, a knowledgeable authority, a trusted person. Otherwise
    they wouldn't be on the phone with you, replying positively to an offer you made by mail, or at your office or counter.
    But are you doing all you can to give your clients all the benefits and choices they could be getting from you and
    would pay for?
    I raise that point to draw your attention to the fact that most businesspeople actually limit the amount of business their
    clients do with them.
    I know that's hard to believe. You're probably asking, "What business owner in his right mind would deliberately limit
    client buying?" The answer, of course, is that it doesn't happen deliberately. It happens unwittingly. I'm willing to bet
    that it's happening in your own business, right now.
    Still shaking your head? Then let me pose a question: Tell me honestly-could your clients be getting more value,
    benefit, protection, or advantage out of each purchase they make with you? If the answer to that question is yes in even
    a handful of cases, then you owe it to your clients to show them how to derive a greater benefit each time they buy.
    When you close a sale, it's the perfect time to make an additional sale-particularly if there's a very good reason and
    benefit for the client to buy your package deal. Sixty percent of all clients will increase if you do it right and offer true
    In this chapter you will learn how to offer all the alter-natives and supplements that are available to people doing
    business with you, thereby improving the client's satisfaction and increasing the value of the transaction.
    Give Your Clients a Better End Result
    I'm going to show you three simple techniques that will help you deliver greater benefits to your current clients, often
    at a discount for them, and at the same time put more immediate cash into your business:
    1. Adding products and services: Offer your clients the opportunity to add related items to their basic purchases from
    you-items that when combined together will increase the level of satisfaction or significance of the ultimate result more
    completely, conveniently, and efficiently.
    2. Adding volume or time options: Help your clients decide the best quantity and quality grades in which they want to
    purchase your goods or services. Or how long they want a service to automatically continue. Don't limit their options
    or choices to less quality or quantity or a shorter duration than they need or desire.
    3. Adding combinations: Give your clients the opportunity to purchase combinations or packages of goods and services
    that help them better achieve the satisfying end result they want. With one convenient purchase decision.
    You'll notice that I've emphasized the end result that clients desire. I've done that because some people in business
    overlook the fact that clients don't buy products or services; they buy end results.
    They buy a product or a service because they believe it will help them achieve a greater sense of convenience, safety,
    plea-sure, economy, accomplishment, or simply self-esteem.
    Someone who buys a camera, for example, doesn't really want a camera. Rather they seek the ultimate pleasure of
    taking beautiful pictures that will preserve forever their most pleasant memories.
    The product might be toothpaste, but in the client's mind, the end result is a brighter, more flattering smile and fewer
    trips to the dentist.
    If you keep your client's desired end results clearly in mind, you can almost always add products and services that help
    clients achieve their end results more completely, conveniently, and efficiently. You'll also be far less likely to impose [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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