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    when I do it for people dear to me (I even knit in board meet-
    ings; it helps me focus), I write on these gift cards, `Every stitch
    is knit with love." And it's true.
    Luci's Hot Mi1~ Sponge C~e
    Beat 4 eggs well, using electric mixer on high
    Beat together until light
    Set oven to 325 degrees.
    Combine2c.floui~2tbakingpowder, 1/2tsalt
    Fold into egg mixture.
    Md milk mixture slowly to batter, stirr~g gently.
    Pour into two wellgreased and floured 8" cake pans.
    Bake 3(~35 minutes.
    When cool, frost one layer with whipped cream and
    jam (I use raspberry or strawberry) or crushed fresh
    fruit and top with the second layer.
    Lay a paper lace doily on top and sift powdered sugar
    over the cake. Remove doiiy~ Voita'!A cake for a festive
    Let Us Break Bread Together
    The word "companion" has its derivation from the words
    "bread" and "with." A companion is someone you break
    bread with. In my life the breaking of bread at the evening
    meal can be the most important time of the day. It is the time
    to gather around the table, light the candie~in candlesticks
    Luci so beautifully polishe~ask the blessing, and eat and
    talk together. Having friends for dinner is a great joy.
    Sometimes these dinners are planned ahead, often they occur
    spontaneously, sometimes unexpectedly.
    New York is a crossroads and a departure place for other d~
    tinations. The phone will ring and I'll hear an excited voice:
    `I'm off to London (or Cairo, or Buenos Aires, or Cape Town)
    and I'm here overnighL Any chance we can get together?"
    `Wonderful! Can you come for dinner?"
    "Oh, I'd love to, but I have a couple of people with me-
    you'd really like them. Would it be too much trouble? Could
    we order in Chinese food or something?"
    "Don't worry. Just come. It will be marvelous to see you.
    My favorite "quick-and~asy-yet~legant" meal is leg of lamb.
    I call my wonderful butcher, get a large bag of new potatoes to
    cook along with the lamb, and plan to make creamed spinach,
    which is easy to do with low-fat cream cheese, garlic, and nut-
    meg. Preparing the lamb is simple. I sliver large quantities of
    garlic and poke it intO litfie slits made with a sharp knife all
    over the lamb, then rub the lamb with rosemary and mustard.
    The new potatoes are placed in the roasting pan with the
    lamb, and it goes into a 350 degree oven for two hours. Dessen
    will be fruit and cheese. A wonderful dinner, with little effort
    Setting the table takes about the same time as~preparing the
    meal. If Luci is with me she will insist on ironing the napkins! I
    fill the big silver pitcher with ice water. It is rather ornate and
    was given to my mother as a wedding present She didu't like
    ornate things, so as soon as I was married she gave it to me,
    and! love it, anduse itall the time.
    Ablessing of living in an old apartment, built in 1912, is thati
    have an actual dining room, and an oval table which comfon-
    ably seats eight, though we've squeezed in twelve. There's a view
    across the Hudson River to New Jersey, and we're on the route
    of many planes. They streak across the sky like stars.
    Around the table we are one, though often we are a di~
    parate group. Paul grew up in Colombia, working in a Roman
    Catholic hospital. Patty is from a Baptist family in Ceorgia, and
    her work has been with abused teenagers. Somehow the circle
    of grace at the table, the food shared, the ideas tossed out with
    eagerness and hope, bridge the differences. Our ideas for
    healing may be strangely different, but the ultimate aim is the
    same. We try to listen.
    We sit around the table and sing one of the graces we know,
    an old round. The candles are lit We break into a crusty loaf
    of bread. I pass the salad: mixed greens and nuts in a simple
    dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper, a tiny
    amount of prepared dark mustard, and more garlic, with goat
    cheese, lots of goat cheese, on top.
    When I was a little girl in France, only the peasants ate goat
    cheese. That has changed, too, and it has implications beyond
    what it is or is not fashionable to eat We live now in a wider
    world. We try new tastes. We listen to new ideas. We sometimes
    feel threatened, but we try to be open and to discover whether
    the threat comes from within ourselves, or is really something
    from without
    We talk and talk, catching up with what has gone on in our
    lives, in the world around us. There is always a crisis some-
    where on the planet There's an ongoing crisis in the daily lives
    of many of us. Many of my friends worry about the state of the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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