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    her fingers, his chest bare, clad in only navy blue pajama bottoms that hung low on his hips and made
    her want to push them off his intoxicating body so she could taste him everywhere.
    Which she d done. Repeatedly. All earlier inhibitions had flown out the window after spending so
    much time with Rafe all alone.
     We ve been in this delicious little cocoon long enough, don t you think? We re flying out late tonight
    to return you to Italy. I d like you to meet Stasia and her family while you re still here and have the
    chance. I know she ll adore you. I m sure you ll like you too.
    Nerves ate at her, evaporating her earlier ravenous appetite. Rafe was right. The last few days they d
    done nothing but hide away in his apartment, go out for a quick bite to eat or order in and stay in bed.
    Naked. Or in the shower, or on the couch, against the wall&
    Always naked. Making love repeatedly.
    She d never been happier. He d already taken her cell phone away from her, had turned his off, and
    they d spent their time focused on each other. Together. Sharing stories of their past, their present,
    though never daring to speak of their future. Both of them too afraid to break the spell that had settled
    over them after their first night together. When she d given herself so freely to him.
    Not that she regretted it, oh no. This man belonged to her just as much as she belonged to him. They
    were going to be married and forge a life together that would be filled with happiness and respect.
    The complete opposite of her parents marriage, the example she d witnessed her entire life and been
    so desperately afraid of repeating.
    There was no chance of that happening, now that she knew Rafe so well, so quickly. She knew he was
    a good man, thoughtful and kind, sexy and fun. He made her laugh, he made her weep with pleasure,
    and more than anything, he made her feel cherished.
    Special. Loved.
    They hadn t spoken those words to each other and she knew it was too soon. Far too soon for them to
    make such important, life changing declarations. But deep in her heart, she knew. She was halfway
    if not completely in love with him already.
    And she was fine with that. No, she was ecstatic. These last few days together were more than proof
    that their union was meant to be. She couldn t wait to officially start their life together.
     What were you thinking? she finally asked, trying her best to sound casual. But an unmistakable
    tremor crept into her voice, revealing her nerves.  Meeting them for lunch or something?
     Exactly that. He reached out, settled his hand over hers on the table and gave it a reassuring
    squeeze.  Don t be nervous, love. Stasia is a sweetheart, her daughter will wrap you around her little
    finger with one cute smile and her husband is a good man. You ll like them.
    But would they like her? They knew of her and Rafe s somewhat messy situation and unusual past.
    Most likely, his sister was aware of the estrangement the last few years that mostly came from her
    sister. And from what Rafe told her, Matteo had tried his best to end their arrangement as well all to
    protect Rafe, though, Rafe had explained. Matteo had always been afraid Rafe was going forward
    with something he didn t want to do, that he felt obligated to do.
    Exactly Cat s fears too. To realize that Rafe wanted to be with her just as much as she wanted to be
    with him albeit for different reasons then but that they were on the same page now? It was a
    tremendous relief.
     I called her, Rafe continued, pushing away his empty plate. The man had an appetite like no other.
     And she said she d love to meet us for a late lunch. Around two, she suggested. Does that work for
    Like she d protest.  That would be fine. She stared at her barely touched plate, wondering how
    she d ever work up an appetite to eat lunch while under the scrutiny of an overprotective sister. She
    knew her own sister would be an absolute nightmare to deal with in a similar situation. She d never
    want to subject Rafe to a meal with Annalisa, let alone a ten-minute brief meeting.
    Of course, Stasia Westmore wasn t anything like Annalisa. And Rafe wouldn t lie to her, would he? If
    he believed his sister would approve of her, then she most likely would.
     Your worry over meeting Stasia is adorable. Rafe lifted her hand and brought it to his mouth,
    dropping a soft kiss on her fingers.  After everything she s been through, Stasia is the least judgmental
    person I know. If you make me happy, you ll make her happy.
    Her heart tightened at his words.  Do I really make you happy, Rafe?
    He smiled, his eyes glowing as he drank her in.  That you have to ask is adorable too. What do you
    think? After everything we ve shared over the last few days, do you think I m happy?
     It s been amazing, she confessed, her voice soft as she disentangled her hand from his.  But it s
    been nothing but sex. Extraordinary sex, but still. Anyone would be happy with that, I would think.
    Not that she knew. This experience was completely new and foreign.
     That s not all it s been between us and you know it. He sounded irritated, which shocked her.
     We ve talked a lot. I ve shared with you things I ve never told anyone before, not even my brothers.
    And I tell those two bastards pretty much everything.
    A small smile teased the corner of her lips.  You re right. I m sorry. But& is that enough? We haven t
    really talked about our future or made any plans. What s next for us? When I return to Italy, are you
    just dropping me off and returning here? When will we next see each other again?
     When do you want to see me again?
     Oh no. She shook her head, pursing her lips.  I m not falling for that trap. You need to tell me what
    you want to do. She feared if she revealed too much he d use it against her. Or worse, tell her he
    wasn t interested in pursuing their relationship toward marriage, though she knew she was being
    completely irrational, thinking this way. She d always feared he d use her feelings for him against
    her. Her father did it to her mother all the time.
    She didn t want to give Rafe that type of advantage.
     All right. He took a deep breath.  First, we ll take you home, and you can talk with your sister and
    mother. Perhaps your father too, if he s decent enough to finally show up and spend a little time with
    his family. He snorted, no doubt knowing he spoke of something that had zero chance of happening.
    How she loved his irritation over her father s deplorable behavior. She d confessed all of Carlo
    Campioni s sins, though Rafe knew many of them already. He d immediately become her champion
    against her father against her entire family.
    She wondered if he knew how much she appreciated that.
     Then what? she prodded.
     I d hope you would let your family know that our arrangement is still moving forward. And that you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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