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    beast, his mouth devouring his, his tongue giving back what it
    took. There was nothing in the world except Owen: no brutal
    visions, no vampires. He tasted like summer rain and Andras
    couldn't seem to slake his thirst.
    He longed to feel his hot skin against his, pull from his lips
    another moan and another, but it couldn't happen. Owen's
    all-consuming vulnerability frightened him, and oaths, dying
    wishes and resultant repercussions flooded his senses.
    Andras broke from the kiss and stepped back, his breaths
    coming hard.
    "No," Owen said, still writhing against him, his hands
    clinging to his shoulders.
    "We mustn't, not like this." He reached up and gently
    removed his hands. "We are entering very dangerous water
    here, and I feel you  "
    "Do not feel, do not think. It's what I've wanted for so very
    "You're lonely, vulnerable. It would be a grave mistake to
    take advantage of you without allowing you time to think of
    all we've talked about, digest everything that has happened
    this night."
    The Sin Eater's Prince
    by Keta Diablo
    Owen's eyes were shut tightly, his breathing erratic.
    "Traherne turning you doesn't change my feelings for you. I
    don't care about any of that."
    "I care. We don't know what will happen now. Above all, I
    must keep you safe. If Dagan thinks to get to me through
    you, he'll not hesitate to act upon it."
    Owen opened his eyes. "Dagan? Who is this you speak of?"
    "Traherne's son. He'll come to satisfy his lust for revenge."
    "And you will fight him?"
    "Them, Dagan and his followers." The aching tenderness of
    Owen's kiss remained on his lips, making it hard for him to
    think clearly. "I'll do whatever is necessary to protect the
    villagers . . . and you."
    "How many followers?"
    "I don't know, perhaps a handful."
    "One against so many? You'll die!"
    "You can't know that."
    "I know this. My father said a long tooth's powers are
    measured by his years. Tell me he was wrong."
    "He spoke the truth."
    "You said Traherne was the oldest vampire in the universe
    and so his son must also be old, but you have only five years
    as a. . . ."
    "Monster, demon, nesuferitul, why don't you name me for
    what I am?"
    "Let me help you, Andras. Make me like you and I'll fight
    by your side."
    He placed a finger over Owen's lips. "Don't ever speak to
    me of this again. I took an oath to save lives, not take them."
    The Sin Eater's Prince
    by Keta Diablo
    "I want to be like you." He whispered the words as though
    the pain of the world resided in his voice. "I want to be . . .
    with you."
    Andras shook his head. "There are things you don't know
    "Tell me, help me understand."
    "Although Traherne turned me, I won't become fully
    vampiric unless I feed on another human. Heed me well,
    Owen. Have you any idea how I struggle with these bestial
    cravings, long to sate my lust on blood, a human's blood?" He
    narrowed his eyes and drew the words out slowly. "Your
    "Forgive me, I had no idea."
    "'Tis the only thing I have left, a shred of my former self. A
    curse of the worst kind undead yet not living, walking in
    darkness and longing for daylight." He walked to the cot,
    plucked his shirt and jerkin from the mattress, and dressed.
    "Where are you going?"
    Andras looked through the window. "I must leave now." He
    nodded toward the pale light of morning. "Don't fear, the long
    tooths will not return this day."
    "That's not what I fear," Owen said, his voice shaky. "I
    fear you will not return."
    The sexy mouth smiled, and the deep silver eyes shone
    like precious gems. "That fear is unfounded."
    His cherished words split the quiet confines of the cottage,
    then the vampire fled through the door as silently as a thief in
    the night.
    [Back to Table of Contents]
    The Sin Eater's Prince
    by Keta Diablo
    Chapter Five
    Dagan's journey from Romania wasn't without incident. His
    clan had been particularly thirsty en route, ravenous for
    blood, necessitating several stops in secluded villages to
    feast. Appeasing their mischievous appetite had also waylaid
    them for a spell. Near Pembroke Castle, Estevan discovered a
    plot of werewolf graves and wasted little time in alerting the
    others. Several hours were lost desecrating the lycans'
    eternal resting places, and another two covering their scent
    after the despoiling.
    Now that they'd arrived at their destination in Wales,
    Dagan walked the confines of the northwest tower in Carew
    Castle and thought about the many times he'd visited the
    once magnificent structure over the centuries.
    He closed his eyes and drew forth the energy in the room.
    Did the Lord and his pet monkey that had died mysteriously
    in the tower a century ago still lurk among its ruins? No, the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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