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    until his heels were wedged against his ass, exerting pressure on the heavily muscled hole. She covered
    his cock with her mouth. Her lips, wet with saliva, contracted against the shaft, swept up and down its
    length, the tip pressing against the back of her throat as Cenn surrendered, his seed rushing hot against
    her throat. She felt the walls of her cunt squeeze and her own climax thundered through her.
    While he still trembled and jerked beneath her, Aideen s mouth released his cock. She turned abruptly,
    and slid onto his shaft in one fluid motion. With deep, rocking motions, she held him inside her. His
    cries of pleasure joined the rhythm of the rocking. Pressing his heels against the opening to his ass
    while her cunt, fluttering in waves of climax, swallowed his cock, Aideen rode him to their mutual
    Chapter Seven
     Dhonn is your enemy? Aideen inquired gently the next morning as they lay recuperating from a long
    night of lovemaking.
     He is my teacher, Cenn corrected her.  Or was. I am apprentice no more& have not been for over ten
     And yet you did not tell him that the Bloodstone is in your possession or admit the source of the
    power that knocked him to the ground last night? Aideen continued.
     What logic does that make? Cenn asked.
    His words reminded her of Dhonn s and Aideen let off lightly stroking the dark ladder of hair that ran
    down from Cenn s navel to mix with the black curls that tangled against his shaft. She returned her
    hand to her hip.  Ah, I forgot, Dhonn was your teacher and so you have been taught that women are
    awash in illogic, she said with no hint of play.
    Cenn paused as if to consider her statement then noticed the cold anger building in Aideen. Contrition
    furrowed his brow and he pulled her to him.  That is not it, he explained.  It is just that friend or foe
    can betray a secret.
     He does not feel like a friend to me, Aideen said. Cenn was massaging the small of her back and she
    brushed his hand away in irritation.
     He spent far too much time among the Romans, Cenn said and tried to roll her onto her back but she
    pushed him away.  He has too great a love of their philosophers and mathematicians, their logicians,
    their Socrates and Aristotle, to be content with the company of a woman.
    Aideen bit back a snicker at what she thought was the true cause of Dhonn s disenchantment with
    women.  So, you do think we are illogical.
     Women are, Cenn began, choosing his words as carefully as any newly married man could,  without
    instruction in such matters.
    Aideen sat up and began to scan the room for the brandub board she had seen earlier. She spotted it
    lying on the wooden chest wedged into the corner. She crossed the room naked, but for the Bloodstone
    and its pouch, and scooped up the board and its pieces. In the center, she put the king-piece and its four
    knights then she arranged her eight opposing pieces. While Cenn watched her, his dark gaze quiet, she
    made her opening move.
     What is your point, my lady? Cenn asked, his voice a soft caress of reconciliation as he moved one of
    his knights.
     That Dhonn is wrong and that I do not merely feel that he is a danger to you. Aideen moved a second
    piece and blocked two of his knights. She saw by the sharp knit of his brow that his attention had
    become split between her arguments and her board strategy.
     And you have proof, having been absent from this room no more than a few hours total? He moved
    another knight forward, saw his error and winced as Aideen removed one of his pieces from the board.
     I have a set of objective observations that make the possibility more likely than not, Aideen began,
    her pieces pressing in on the king.  And something that, by your own beliefs, you cannot deny.
     Which is? His lips were pressed into a thin line of concentration, making the question sound like a
    single-word statement of witches.
    Aideen smiled and removed another of his pieces from the board. Witches, indeed.  The Bloodstone,
    she answered simply and made his king retreat further from the center.
    His interest redirected, Cenn lifted the brandub board from the mattress and placed it on the floor.
     You have proven you are most capable at a game of strategy, he agreed. Cenn reached up and
    trapped the pouch that rested between her breasts. He pulled the string tie over her head and removed
    the Bloodstone.
     And the stone speaks to you, he added before dropping the stone back in the pouch and returning it to
    her.  What then, he asked,  do you advise?
    Aideen began to speak but a sharp knock at the door interrupted her. Cenn gave a dismissive shake of
    his head and waved the interruption away but the knock sounded again, harder and more urgent. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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