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    in her chair and wait.
    No, where was the sport in that?
    by Jonathan Amsbary
    Chapter 6
    Pat was sitting at Bear's and was getting impatient. David
    was never really punctual, but thirty minutes was excessive,
    even for him. He waved the waitress off yet another time and
    set a limit in his mind. He didn't want to leave, but he hated
    eating alone in restaurants. He sat and nursed his watery
    David finally strode in and smiled broadly at Pat. Pat had
    never seen David like this. He was bold and confident. He
    actually spoke to two or three women as he entered the
    room. He also noticed that David was carrying, but not
    leaning on, his cane.
    "Que paso, old buddy?"
    "Not bad, you seem in fine spirits."
    "You have no idea mi amigo. You have no idea."
    * * * *
    David slid into the wooden booth. He grabbed a menu and
    quickly scanned the bill of fare. "Damn, I'm hungry. Think I'll
    get a steak."
    David did in fact order a steak, and soup and an appetizer
    and a salad and dessert.
    "When did you get a tape worm?" Pat asked, his stomach
    hurt just thinking about all that food.
    "Pat, I don't know, it's just like I've been walking around in
    a trance and then woke up. Is this what normal people feel
    like? It's great!"
    "I wouldn't know." Pat muttered.
    by Jonathan Amsbary
    "Hey, bro. You know I really should thank you for all this.
    You've been kidding me and ignoring my bad mood. Maybe it
    finally took hold."
    Pat smiled "It's funny, I'm just used to being the happy
    one in this relationship. If I didn't know better, I'd say you
    were in love."
    David blushed.
    "No way!" Pat said.
    "Well, I wouldn't call it love, yet. But this really could be it,
    Pat. She really could be the one." David paused to gulp the
    beer that the waitress had left for him a moment ago.
    "Pat I know how you and the guys feel about my online
    friends, but I've never felt like this before. Never. I met the
    most incredible woman. I mean, you know, we really don't
    know each other very well. But, you know, she and I have
    this, well, chemistry. She's everything I'm looking for.
    "David, what if she's ninety years old or something?"
    "Pat, I don't care, I don't care about anything other than
    how she makes me feel. And I know, she feels the same
    about me. God Pat, this could really be the one. She really
    could be It."
    "You know I'm happy for you, but David, your experience
    with women is even worse than mine. Take your time. I mean
    it. You hear about these people who run off and meet
    someone off the Internet and you never hear from them
    David rolled his eyes "Don't worry, most of that is urban
    legend. I'm pretty smart, I know what I'm doing."
    by Jonathan Amsbary
    "Okay then David, but just remember that no one goes
    into something like this believing that they will be hurt. No
    one." The conversation lightened quickly. They gossiped
    about acquaintances and discussed their classes. Pat was
    working on a research project with one of the psych
    professors. It was an honor for an undergrad to be offered
    this kind of an opportunity. David was happy for his friend
    and saw him in a new light as well.
    David turned quiet for a second "Pat, how much do you
    know about dreams?"
    "You mean the scientific or theoretical stuff?"
    "Not sure what you mean by that."
    "The scientific stuff is what we can measure, REM, cycles,
    deep or light, memory, that kind of stuff. The meaning of
    dreams, symbology, purpose, all that's theoretical, no way to
    truly study or measure. In fact, some scientists deny
    dreaming all together. But they deny the existence of the
    mind too."
    "The theoretical stuff, meaning." David's eyes were shifting
    quickly and his voice was low.
    "Some, what do you want to know?"
    David explained his dreams of the last two nights. "I
    mean, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm sexually
    submissive and a masochist, but these images scare the Hell
    out of me. And that it's all mixed in with sex. God, am I
    turning into a serial killer or something?"
    Pat laughed softly "I hardly think so. Okay, I don't know
    much about the symbolism stuff, but most therapists will tell
    you that reoccurring dreams are your sub consciousness
    by Jonathan Amsbary
    trying to get your attention. I can recommend a could of good
    Docs at the clinic, it's not my area, but I know they are
    David's eyes sparkled and his mood shifted again. "No
    worries my friend, I probably just need more sleep or sex." [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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