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    bastard ever come? If only one of her hands were free so she could jerk him off at the same time.
    Al watched her grunting with animal pleasure. Not bad for a so-called slob like himself, he thought. His
    neighbor's classy beautiful wife sucking his cock like a common whore and loving it. Not that Al would
    ever put his own timid wife through these bizarre sex scenes. Perversely, he'd always kept his family
    out of this sort of stuff. He simply screwed his wife nightly, either on top or dog-style, and turned over
    and went to sleep, snoring. She'd given him a blowjob once in a while, a mousy, boring affair where she
    sucked him off gingerly, like a lollipop, and only at his insistence.
    As for his daughter, Julie, she was his real pride and joy. A nice kid,
    that one, beautiful, wholesome, a girl to be proud of. She didn't smoke
    grass or screw half the high school like some of these sluts. A good
    girl, Julie, and he was proud of her. Still a cherry, he was positive
    Sheila's frantic lips and tongue were finally making him erupt now. He clutched her head harshly in his
    hands and crushed her mouth down on his bursting prick. He jerked his cock up to meet her feverish
    sucking, animal groans issuing from his throat. One thing about this gorgeous hunk, when she sucked you
    off, she put her heart and soul into it, working her sultry mouth like a lust-crazed pussy.
    Tears of shame and obscene pleasure in her eyes, Sheila urgently gulped down great floods of his blazing
    come. Like him, it was salty and harsh tasting, a great impulsive torrent that left her gasping for air.
    "Not bad," he said grudgingly, climbing off the bed.
    Sheila rolled the lingering taste of his jism around her mouth, savoring it. Shame and degradation mingled
    hotly with her depraved pleasure. How could she feel so good and so bad at the same time?
    "Please finish fucking me now," she begged, her ripely curved ass undulating on the bed. There was a
    constant torment in her pussy now that throbbed like wildfire. "Please?"
    Al gazed at her sensuous, helpless ass and legs, feeling his prick begin to rise again. Christ, why couldn't
    his own wife be built like this? And at least why couldn't she give him a half-decent blowjob? Anger at
    the injustice of it all rose up in his burly chest, and a cruel idea occurred to him.
    "Okay, you can get yours now," he told her. "Hell, you earned it, lady.
    Here it comes."
    Holding the whip in one hand, he knelt upright between Sheila's bound legs. For a minute he stroked her
    sleek damp thighs, feeling his hard-on grow more powerful and urgent. The whimpering housewife
    tugged at her bonds, slowly gyrating her naked, helpless ass-cheeks in a plea.
    "Now," she whispered tearfully, "finish doing it to me now! I gave you what you wanted, didn't I?"
    Anytime Al felt like ravaging her tiny asshole, he was almost always drawn first to the sight of her
    luscious pink cunt, eagerly sucking and waiting between its dark silken fringe of pussy-hairs. He guided
    the red knob of his stiff dick inside her soaked cuntal-lips, and Sheila issued a long groan of relief. She'd
    had her share of punishment and now she needed to finish her orgasm or lose her mind!
    Al began with a rhythmic gentle stroking that brought soft happy cries from the bound housewife's lips.
    His thick rod was tingling her quivering cunt-walls once more, and lustful relief was only moments away.
    Sheila swung her plump hot ass up to meet him, wishing her wrists weren't chained so she could
    masturbate her clitoris at the same time.
    The tight luscious feel of her fiery cunt was getting to Al now and he decided it was time. Without losing
    a stroke, he placed the rounded butt-handle of the whip against her narrow puckered anus.
    Then he plunged it into her helpless asshole, deep and hard, at the same moment he shoved his gigantic
    cock in to the hilt.
    And, mercifully, for a few moments she lost consciousness.
    When she woke, it was to the most excruciating pain of her life. With her naked ass-cheeks already
    burning fiercely from her whipping, the added torture of the brutal whip-handle jammed deep into her
    tender, narrow tunnel was almost more than Sheila could bear. It burned into her bowels like a boiling
    baseball bat, while all the while her burly rapist continued to fuck her gorged pussy in violent, lusty
    The bound housewife wanted to faint again, but couldn't. Her entire insides, from her steaming, crammed
    asshole to her fully-rammed cunt was on fire with agony. As cruel and unpredictable as her brawny
    neighbor was, she hadn't expected anything as obscene or depraved as this!
    But gradually, between her anguished shrieks and Al's pistoning huge rod, a strange pleasure began to
    infect her ravaged asshole. It was as if the intense pleasure in her hotly sucking cunt and the sheer
    white-hot torture in her helpless anus were merging, fusing into one shuddering wave of pain-bliss.
    Sheila Jensen, the beautiful middle-class perfect wife and mother of Rockville, had suddenly discovered
    she could no longer tell the difference between torture and ecstasy. For the nakedly helpless housewife,
    at this moment they were the same. Her wails became softer as his grunts became louder, until the entire
    bedroom was a din of lewd moans and groans.
    "God-mmmmm!--good cunt!" Al groaned, fucking her madly pulsating pussy with increasing lust. He
    twisted the whip-handle once or twice into her impaled asshole to make her shriek in surprise, but he
    was too intent on enjoying her hot luscious slit, madly quivering on his cock, to care about tormenting her
    any more.
    "Ooooooooo, yes, oh you bastard, yes, fuck me, hurt me, TEAR IT UP!" Sheila sobbed, beyond any
    shame or humility. The tearing, blazing sensations in her gorged pussy and asshole made everything else
    in the world a pale shadow at that moment.
    And then the manacled housewife was coming, having the most shattering orgasm of her life. His boiling
    juices were spurting deep into her tingling pussy, while her churning bowels were stinging furiously from
    the whip-butt. Like a searing fire out of control, her entire insides were exploding with raw hot sex-thrills.
    Minutes after he withdrew his limp prick, Sheila continued to shudder her ravaged ass in spasms on the
    whip-handle, as if pleading for more. When he suddenly tore it out, she let out one final scream. Then
    her perspiring naked lushness collapsed on the bed in a heap of exhaustion and fulfillment.
    He unchained and released her then. Moving in a state of numb shock, Sheila got dressed. Only once
    did he speak to her before she left for her own house next door.
    "Kneel down and kiss my cock before you go," he ordered. "With reverence, understand?"
    Humbly, Sheila did as she was ordered. The taste of her own passionate pussy-juices clung to it, giving
    her an eerie, dreamlike feeling as she lapped it up.
    When she got back to her own house, she was deeply relieved to find no one else had come home yet. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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