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    He conjures up the Universe,
    Men bitter bad, and women worse.
    The whole disgusting Pan is shown,
    Filth from the spirit to the stone.
     Read that! he yelled.  Your eyeballs squint,
    But That is surely plain as print.
     It is, I said,  for all to see 
    There is none other God than He.
    And now the Devil strides and spins
    Most furiously widdershins,
    He causes two deceitful moons
    To dance upon the driving dunes.
     If all s illusion, gentle youth,
    All is the enemy of Truth.
    Where are you now?  My worthy friend!
    (I answered)  take it to the end.
    I do not think you prove it quite
    That truth and lies are opposite.
    But upon This we can agree:
    There is none other God than He.
    He wrote in flame upon the grass
     This person is a perfect ass.
    He vanished in a cloud of musk.
    He sent the demons of the dusk
    To ramp and rage about the links
    To tease me Me, the stony Sphinx!
    I smiled; I bent them to my will;
    I set them dancing deosil,
    And singing with seraphic glee
     There is none other God than He.
    The devil saw that he had failed,
    He came back very draggle-tailed;
    And, poised above me in the air,
    Whined  Mr. Sphinx, now, is it fair?
    My business is to rack the bones
    Of saints like you and Mr. Jones!
    I m paid to accuse the brethren, sir!
     I do not blame you, Lucifer.
    I take my pleasure in your frown
    Because you  represent the Crown.
    And all your prattle means to me:
    There is none other God than He.
    The Devil seemed to see the point.
    Pleased that I did not say  Aroint!
    Pleased that in Asmodee I sight
    Brave Lucifer, the Lord of Light,
    Pleased with my Qabalistic pun
    (Really a very clever one!),
    Accepted all and none; became
    A perfect vessel of the Flame.
    He flapped his crooked and gloomy wing
    And swore by God the Holy King
    That all his malice should confine
    Itself to this one sin of mine
    And this alone, when neophytes
    (Confused by the excess of lights)
    Perceive not what they ought to see:
     There is none other God than He.
    Oh how the good converted Fiend
    Worries those Postulants unweaned!
    Though now he dances deosil
    He poinds them many a purging pill.
    He cleans them from their piggish food;
    He brings them to beatitude.
     Hua is God! quoth Asmodee:
     There is none other God than He.
    A silence ensured. At last, from Denzil: you mean very much what the Hindus mean
    by their doctrine of Maya?
    Exactly so; but of course they cannot means what they say. The thinkable is false. All
    our attempts to crystallize Truth in words are just as futile as the trickery by which the
    artist gets his sunlight effects with some dull ochre. The impression s good enough,
    maybe, at a distance, as an impression. Examine it close: it goes. God sees the clever
    composition; man sees the untidy brushwork. So logic destroys our religions, despite
    their truth.
    But, said Denzil, surely it is better to get nearer truth. I hate all the evil that religion hs
    wrought. As I looked on Granada and its cathedral, this is what I thought. Can you
    blame me?
    And from a little leathern pocket-book he began to read these lines:
    BROWN bloated toad that squattest in the sun!
    Loose thankless mouth whose greed is never done!
    Old spider waiting with thy web aspin
    Till all Granada thou hast gathered in!
    The blood of bulls and goats would satisfy
    Of old the hellish thirst of the Most High.
    Well at the worst Jehovah s altars smoke
    And hiss with flesh of his own favoured folk.
    But Thou, O Christ, dost glut thy lust refined
    Upon the ravaged souls of all mankind.
    An excellent photograph, said the big man. My own words just now were as strong, I
    think. Yet the one answer answers all.
    Arthur Grey broke in. You should hear the whole story, he said. Look at the inmost
    as well as the middle. Under correction, sir (politely to the doctor), I find that human
    beauty fades if we dissect the body. Yet your microscopist (in the first place) will find
    the detail of blood beautiful, just as I its banners in my lady s face. And in the second
    place, does the dissection table reveal all? Is there no spirit, lovely even to me, of
    which my lady s bones and nerves are but the weak expression?
    So strongly do I agree with you, returned the madman, that I have written a poem on
    the unattractive subject of ovariotomy. It must not shock you; I am mad, and claim
    the immunities of my limitations. I say nothing of your spirit theory; to me, ignorant
    as I am, it seems easier to call a nerve God and so explain its functions, than to
    imagine a God using that nerve as an instrument. We can kill a nerve; can we then
    baulk God of His effects? This is no less blasphemous than to say we kill God when
    we cut the nerve. If a man understand not his brother whom he hath seen, how shall [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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