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    my room and, ah wash your cat.
     Oh, you picked up that medicine for somebody else? What a nice man you are.
     Yeah. You know what? They can wait. Let s go to my room first.
     Oh, I wouldn t want anyone to wait for their medicine. It must be important if
    someone sent you to get it. Besides, they might wonder what s taking you so long if we,
    um, get busy.
    Oh, nice double entendre, Witchy. She ll have him anticipating vigorous thanks and
    drooling if he wasn t already.
     It ll only take a second, right?
    Ashlyn Chase
     Right. He rapped on the door, twice in quick succession, then waited briefly and
    rapped once more. I heard the door open and my bag s zipper slid back, slowly as two
    guys were talking. I d be needed soon.
     Who s she?
     Just some dumb broad who needs a place to wash her cat. He probably thought
    he was whispering, but my acute hearing picked up every word.
     What cat?
    I took that as my cue, jumped from the bag and dashed into the room.
     Oh, no! My pussy s loose! Joell cried.
    I dashed around the suite while the guy ran after me. He stopped in his tracks and
    growled,  Damn. A familiar! And I ll bet your lady friend isn t just some dumb blonde.
    She s a witch!
    Uh oh. The cat s out of the bag in more ways than one.
    Joell jumped in and yelled,  Freeze! She pointed her pink Derringer with one hand
    and grabbed the guy who d given her a ride with the other. She tossed him to the floor,
    then grabbed his buddy and threw him on top as if he were an old coat.
    Holy crap! Where d she get a gun? More importantly, why d she jump in like that? I
    saw no reason for her to give herself away. There was nothing going on here. She could
    have just denied what the guy said instead of confirming it.
    Oh yeah. It was that time of the month. She didn t need a logical reason. I d have to
    take it upon myself to the search the other rooms while she kept her gun trained on the
    surprised men.
     Oh, look at the cute little gun, the guy on top of his buddy said as he started to
    get up.
    She switched her aim to settle right between his eyes.  Yeah and it ll kill you just as
    Wonder Witch
    He sat back down in a hurry. Taking a better look at him, I realized he looked like
    one of Lyonene s drawings.
    I peeked around the corner and spied three doors off the hallway, but all were
    closed. Well that s just great. How am I supposed to open them? With my tail?
    At that moment Rick burst in behind Joell and said,  Get on your knees and put
    your hands behind your heads. He looked at Joell.  Where are they?
     Where are who? the guy I recognized yelled. He narrowed his eyes, then clasped
    his hands behind his head. The driver stood and did the same. They both seemed
    begrudgingly cooperative, despite looking agitated and angry.
    Rick moved inside while Witchy closed the door and kept her gun trained on the
    criminals in question.
    Rick stood to the side of each door and pushed them open one after the other. With
    his big-ass gun rounding the corner of the doorjamb before he did, he d be in a good
    position to stop anyone from trying to get to a weapon if there was anyone to stop. As
    he shoved open the last door, his shoulders slumped.
    Uh oh. Wrong suite?
    He returned to the living room and spoke to Joell.  They re not here.
     What? I sensed them! Maybe their energy was here, but they were moved to
    another room.
    Or maybe, as she suspected before, magic was involved.
    One of the guys lowered his hands.  Maybe you should get out of my room. He
    glared at Rick.
    Rick shrugged and strolled over to Witchy.  Might as well, hon.
    Hon? When had that started?
    He had to take her arm and pull her out of the room.
    Ashlyn Chase
     We re not finished with you, she yelled. Then I caught her casting a quick
    containment spell on the room. Chances are if they tried to leave, they d find the door
    impossibly stuck.
    * * * * *
     I didn t have the wrong guy! Joell looked around the hotel coffee shop, then
    lowered her voice.  I eavesdropped long enough to hear him ask for a prescription for a
    Gabriel Moore. We were the only two people near the counter. There was no mistake.
    That guy knows something.
     What did your psychic sixth sense tell you about the guy and what did you get
    from the other one in the room upstairs?
     They were both hiding something, but there s more to it. The models were there at
    some point and I ll bet they know where they are now. So, why did you drag me out?
    A waitress strolled over to the couple.  What ll it be?
     Could we have two coffees and have you seen any of these guys? Joell pulled out
    the pages from the models websites.
     Wow! If I had I d remember it, but unfortunately, no.
     Well, thanks for taking a look. Oh and could I have a washcloth? Joell asked.
    Oh, thank Goddess. I might finally get cleaned up. My fur was almost dry enough
    to itch, but I couldn t handle the humiliation another second. What a terrible day this
    had been for me.
    The waitress looked like she was going to protest, then she saw my vomit-encrusted
    head popping out of the bag. She rolled her eyes and said,  Sure. Comin right up.
    Wonder Witch leaned toward Rick.  So what do we do now that you ve blown our
    best lead? Go around knocking on hotel room doors?
    He glared at her, but didn t rise to the bait.  Probably call Stan. See if they ve had
    any ransom demands. That s the only reason I can think of for their being moved.
     Well, I d like to poke around here a little more.
    Wonder Witch
     You can t. You blew your cover when you rushed into their room, hasty-pants.
    Her back stiffened.  I can still cast a disguise over myself.
    Rick pushed a couple of buttons on his cell phone. He must have put Stan on speed
    dial. While he waited he said,  And the gun? I thought you locked up your weapons.
     Just the bullets.
    Rick closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.  Stan? It s me. Any word?
    He looked at Joell and shook his head. Then his eyebrows rose.  You re kidding.
    I m in the middle of an investigation and you want me to come back for some kind of
    meet and greet with the public?
    He listened a little longer, chuckled and shook his head, but it wasn t out of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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