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    Abraham the Jew, which issues out of the foot of an oak, namely our Saturnia, which is the royal key, and goes to
    precipitate itself into the abyss, as says the same author, that is to say, into the receiver, adapted to the neck of the
    retort, where the double Mercury throws itself by means of a suitable fire.
    12. But here are found thorns and insuperable difficulties, unless God reveals this secret, or a master bestows it. For
    Mercury does not marry with royal Saturnia: it is experient to find a secret means to unite them: for unless thou
    knowest the artifice by which this union and peace are effected between these aforesaid argent-vives, you will do
    nothing to any purpose. I would not conceal any thing from thee, my dear nephew; I tell thee, therefore, that without
    Sun or Moon this work will profit thee nothing. Thou must therefore cause this old man, or voracious wolf, to
    devour gold or silver in the weight and measure as I am now about to inform thee. Listen therefore to my words, that
    thou mayest not err, as I have done in this work. I say, therefore, that you must give gold to our old dragon to eat.
    Remark how well you ought to operate. For if you give but little gold to the melted Saturnia, the gold is indeed
    opened, but the quicksilver will not take; and here is an incongruity, which is not at all profitable. I have a long
    while and greatly laboured in this affliction, before I found out the means to succeed in it. If therefore you give him
    much gold to devour, the gold will not indeed be so much opened nor disposed, but then it will take the quicksilver,
    and they will both marry. Thus the means is discovered. Conceal this secret, for it is the whole, and neither trust it to
    paper, or to any thing else which may be seen. For we should become the cause of great mischief. I give it thee
    under the seal of secrecy and of thy conscience, for the love I bear thee.
    13. Take thou ten ounces of the red Sun, that is to so say, very fine, clean and purified nine or ten times by means of
    the voracious wolf alone: two ounces of the royal Saturnia; melt this in a crucible, and when it is melted, cast into it
    the ten ounces of fine gold; melt these two together, and stir them with a lighted charcoal. Then will thy gold be a
    little opened. Pour it on a marble slab or into an iron mortar, reduce it to a powder, and grind it well with three
    pounds of quicksilver. Make them to curd like cheese, in the grinding and working them to and fro: wash this
    amalgama with pure common water until it comes out clear, and that the whole mass appears clear and white like
    fine Luna. The conjunction of the gold with the royal golden Saturnia is effected, when the mass is soft to the touch
    like butter.
    14. Take this mass, which thou wilt gently dry with linen or fine cloth, with great care: this is our lead, and our mass
    of Sun and Moon, not the vulgar, but the philosophical. Put it into a good retort of crucible earth, but much better of
    steel. Place the retort in a furnace, and adapt a receiver to it: give fire by degrees. Two hours after increase your fire
    so that the Mercury may pass into the receiver: this Mercury is the water of the blowing rose-tree; it is also the blood
    of the innocents slain in the book of Abraham the Jew. You may now suppose that this Mercury has eat up a little of
    the body of the king, and that it will have much more strength to dissolve the other part of it hereafter, which will be
    more covered by the body of the Saturnia. Thou has now ascended one degree or step of the ladder of the art.
    15. Take the feces out of the retort; melt them in a crucible in a strong fire: cast into it four ounces of the Saturnia,
    (and) nine ounces of the Sun. Then the Sun is expanded in the said feces, and much more opened that at the first
    time, as the Mercury has more vigor than before, it will have the strength and virtue of penetrating the gold, and of
    eating more of it, and of filling his belly with it by degrees. Operate therefore as at first; marry the aforesaid
    Mercury, stronger one degree with this new mass in grinding the whole together; they will take like butter and
    cheese; wash and grind them several times, until all the blackness is got out: dry it as aforesaid; put the whole into
    the retort, and operate as thou didst before, by giving during two hours, a weak fire, and then strong, sufficient to
    drive out, and cause the Mercury to fall into the receiver; then wilt thou have the Mercury still more actuated, and
    thou wilt have ascended to the second degree of the philosophic ladder.
    16. Repeat the same work, by casting in the Saturnia in due weight, that is to say, by degrees, and operating as
    before, till thou hast reached the 10th step of the philosophic ladder; then take thy rest. For the aforesaid Mercury is
    ignited, actuated, wholly engrossed and full of the male sulfur, and fortified with the astral juice which was in the
    deep bowels of the gold and of our saturnine dragon. Be assured that I am now writing for thee things which by no
    philosopher was ever declared or written. For this Mercury is the wonderful caduceus, of which the sages have so
    much spoken in their books, and which they attest has the power of itself of accomplishing the philosophic work,
    and they say the truth, as I have done it myself by it alone, and thou wilt be enabled to do it thyself, if thou art so
    disposed: for it is this and none else which is the proximate matter and the root of all the metals.
    17. Now is done and accomplished the preparation of the Mercury, rendered cutting and proper to dissolve into its
    nature gold and silver, to work out naturally and simply the Philosophic Tincture, or the powder transmuting all
    metals into gold and silver.
    18. Some believe they have the whole magistery, when they have the heavenly Mercury prepared; but they are
    grossly deceived. It is for this cause they find thorns before they pluck the rose, for want of understanding. It is true
    indeed, that were they to understand the weight, the regimen of the fire, and the suitable way, they would not have
    much to do, and could not fail even if they would. But in this art there is a way to work. Learn therefore and observe
    well how to operate, in the manner I am about to relate to you.
    19. In the name of God, thou shalt take of thy animated Mercury what quantity thou pleasest; thou wilt put it into a
    glass vessel by itself; or two or four parts of the Mercury with two parts of the golden Saturnia; that is to say, one of
    the Sun and two of the Saturnia; the whole finely conjoined like butter, washed, cleansed and dried; and thou wilt
    lute thy vessel with the lute of wisdom. Place it in a furnace on warm ashes at the degree of the heat of an hen sitting
    on her eggs. Leave this said Mercury so prepared to ascend and descend for the space of 40 or 50 days, until thou
    seest forming in thy vessel a white or red sulfur, called philosophic sublimate, which issues out of the reins of the
    said Mercury. Thou wilt collect this sulfur with a feather: it is the living Sun and the living Moon, which Mercury
    begets out of itself.
    20. Take this white or red sulfur, triturate it in a glass or marble mortar, and pour on it, in sprinking it, a third part of
    its weight of the Mercury from which this sulfur has been drawn. With these two make a paste like butter: put again
    this mixture into an oval glass; place it in a furnace on a suitable fire of ashes, mild, and disposed with a philosophic
    industry. Concoct until the said Mercury is changed into sulfur, and during this coction, thou wilt see wonderful
    things in thy vessel, that is to say, all the colors which exist in the world, which thou canst not behold without lifting
    up thy heart to God in gratitude for so great a gift.
    21. When thou has attained to the purple red, thou must gather it: for then the alchymical powder is made, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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