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    important insight into how to play Blackjack successfully.
    All you have to do is to correctly identify the phase that you are in during a game you can modify
    both your playing and betting styles accordingly.
    Let s take a look at how this operates in practice  that is to say, during an actual game of Blackjack. To
    simplify the matter I have turned the five stages of the Serpent s Tooth Cycle into four key play phases.
    These are;
    Play Phase 1 - The Rise
    The early phase in a game is always the most advantageous. It is characterized by free-flowing and
    advantageous play. Leave the game to settle down (probably takes no more that a dozen hands) and from
    then I recommend loose and aggressive style of play. Double up with confidence and increase your bet size
    accordingly. (If you like you can play as I do and cash in during this rich and abundant period for smaller -
    but assured, winnings).
    Play Phase 2 - The Fall
    This is the stage all gamblers hate  the crashing out. It is usually characterized in a game of Blackjack by a
    prolonged losing streak of us to 12 or more hands. This has been known to wipe a player out completely on
    many occasions.
    When you realize that you are in this phase DO NOT strive to re-coup your losses by increasing your bet
    size. This will always end in disaster. Just accept the tide is flowing against you and bet only the very
    minimum amount on each hand.
    Play Phase 3 - The Rise
    There WILL come a point at which the turn of play changes. The run of losing hands stops, the dust settles
    and you are left to confront the debris of the disaster. This is the point at which many players either blow
    what s left of their pot on one final desperate attempt to save face or they cash in what they have left and
    depart with their tails between their legs. This is a pity for the miss what turns out to be a golden opportunity
    to make some money.
    At this stage continue placing the minimum bet allowed but return to doubling up and splitting.
    Play Phase 4 - The Growth Gradient
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    The rate of growth during this phase is not as great as when the game first began - however it is consistent.
    Once your pot has returned to roughly where you were when you first began the game you can return to a
    positive and aggressive style of play.
    Having successfully seen your way through the difficult early periods of the Serpent s Tooth Cycle you will
    enter into this magnificent period in which you consistently win hand after hand. I have entered this stage on
    many, many occasions and I can tell you it is pure bliss. Every hand that you get throws the dealer into crisis.
    BlackJacks increase in regularity. Consistent doubling up on 13 - 17 ALWAYS produces a 20 or 21 total.
    Blackjacks appear in proliferation. I have entered this stage in some games that I have played and amassed
    so much winning money that I have almost felt sorry for the casino!
    Following this system through for the first time requires some nerve but once you have experienced
    it for the first time you will play with renewed confidence in subsequent games. Let me assure you
    that it is worth the waiting.!
    Tip: At what stage you eventually cash in depend upon your intuition. However I generally wait
    until I am about 25% percent above the amount that I had in my pot at the peak and then create a
    Stop-Loss point. If I fall below that value I immediately stop the game and cash in.
    Tracking the Flow
    So how is it possible to identify which period or stage you are during a game? In earlier lessons I impressed
    upon you the need to keep accurate records of your games. With a little more note taking during a game you
    will quickly identify the phase that you are in  or even coming up to. This is how it is done.
    Each time you note down your hand on the sheet take the chance to record each of your winning hands in a
    different color to a losing hand. I use a red pen to record my winning hands and a blue pen to mark those
    hands that I have lost.
    After each round of about 50 rounds total up the winning (red) hands as well as the losing (blue) hands. Your
    results will reveals one of three things;
    " A predominance of red marks - indicating that you are in a positive of rising phase
    " A predominance of blue marks - indicating that you are in a negative or declining phase
    " An equal number of each - which indicates that you are either moving in/out of a positive phase or
    in/out of a declining phase.
    As your game progresses monitor total your various amounts in the box provided (W=Total of Won hands
    and L= Total of Lost hands).
    If you keep accurate records you will easily detect over just a few 50-hand cycles which way your luck cycles
    are taking you. For example you may have had a few rounds in which your total of winning hands has out-
    stripped those that you have lost. Where this is the case your play is in positive phase.
    Then you have a round in which they are equal in number. At this stage you could suspect a slip into a
    negative phase so you begin to adjust your playing/betting accordingly. The next round also reveals an equal
    or slight bias to the Loss Total. Then your suspicions are completely confirmed when you find that over the
    next round the number of your Loss Total is substantially greater than your Win Total. This is evidence that
    you are in a losing phase and marks a time for careful play.
    Continue playing with care until the count returns to indicate a positive phase.
    Now this system might seem complicated but it only takes a few minutes to practice and become a natural
    element to your play. You may feel that it is unnecessarily wieldy given that the pot total reveals how well you
    are doing. This is the beauty of the Goldhill System for your purse total DOES NOT do not reveal the way
    that your play is going to progress nor does it accurately reflect how well you are doing.
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    There are many reasons for this. For example you may win a couple of Blackjacks - even when the phase of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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