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    nodded in Cezer's direction, where the cat-man was lying contentedly on the
    warm sand. "Your friend will show you."
    Not even Taj, who was the smallest of the visitors, could fit comfortably
    within one of the numerous huts, but the travelers did not suffer from their
    lack of shelter. Night proved as benign as day in this marvelous country, and
    they slept content and confident by the shore of the lake. Samm in particular
    luxuriated in near-familiar surroundings, digging in until his body was
    completely covered by the warm sand. Within the village, all seemed equally
    peaceful and happy. Nary a child cried, and those natives who worked through
    the night were careful to keep their conversations to a whisper so as not to
    disturb their neighbors.
    It was difficult, Oskar reflected as he lay down among his companions, to
    envision what danger could so unsettle the princess and her apparently
    contented people. That they dealt daily with whatever it was he had no doubt.
    That it was serious in nature he also conceded. He simply could not imagine
    what it was. If it was as deadly dangerous as Ourie insisted, it seemed
    unlikely it could be deflected by something as simple as a woven sunscreen.
    Try as he might, he could not resolve the apparent contradictions.
    His head beginning to throb from the effort of trying to envision the
    unimaginable, he put everything aside in favor of getting some serious rest.
    In his former body, sleeping was something he had always been good at.
    He felt soft skin brush up against his shoulder as a limber shape sat down
    next to him. Cocoa tried to sit back on her haunches, only to discover, as
    always, that in her present form she was in possession of too much leg and not
    enough haunch. She settled for stretching the former out in front of her.
    Despite the time she had already spent in human form, she found the position
    unnatural. Afraid of sitting on her tail, she was constantly shifting her
    seat, even though there was no longer a long, multicolored tail to sit on.
    "You know, Oskar, I always liked you. I realize that cats and dogs aren't
    supposed to get along, but I always admired the way you carried yourself
    through life."
    "Really?" He continued to gaze out across the lake. Meeting a cat's eyes was
    always dangerous. "How was that?"
    "Indifferently, I mean," she hastened to add, "nothing ever seemed to trouble
    He shrugged, his head resting on his crossed forepaws (hands, he reminded
    himself angrily--hands!). "As long as I got a table scrap or two, and the
    occasional bone, I was happy." Now he did turn to face her. In the
    silver-yellow moonlight, she was as graceful as she had ever been. "I always
    felt that cats think too much."
    Her expression was contemplative. "Maybe you're right," she eventually
    replied. "Though I never thought of it that way."
    "Don't stare at things so long," he suggested helpfully. "And don't worry
    about your appearance so much. You'll find life is easier to take."
    She considered this advice. "I don't know if I can do that. Cats are
    just--serious. Dogs are--"
    A voice interrupted them from behind. "Goofy," Cezer concluded, before rolling
    over and turning his back to them. Oskar had the feeling the swordsman would
    have sprayed them then and there, had not his plumbing undergone a preemptive
    sea change.
    "Mister Sarcasm," Cocoa muttered. Her smile returning, she lunged forward and
    rubbed her nose against a startled Oskar's, then rose and moved off to join
    Mamakitty. "See you in the morning."
    Reaching up, he slowly wiped the tip of his nose with the palm of one hand.
    Cats, he mused. Who could comprehend them? Their actions and antics had often
    Page 89
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    bemused even Master Evyndd.
    All the more reason, he told himself, why he should not try to.
    Dawn saw the breaking of a cloudless morning. As Oskar awoke, it was to the
    bustle of tremendous activity within the village. It was almost as if the
    inhabitants were striving to accomplish as many of the day's tasks as possible
    before the sun was fully up. Sure enough, the instant its rays began to cast
    the first shadows within the community, activity slowed and did not resume
    until the Slevish had picked up their thickly woven sunscreens.
    With appropriate ceremony, the special kwavins that had been finished during
    the night were presented to the bemused travelers. Oskar and his companions
    were politely thankful for the gifts, Cezer included. Mamakitty and Cocoa had
    promised to scratch him severely if he did not respond in a courteous manner.
    Hiding his disdain, he smiled fatuously while accepting his own screen from
    two of the little women who had produced it.
    "Remember to beware," Princess Ourie warned them, "if you truly intend to try [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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